首页> 外文期刊>Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries >The Motivation of Information Technology Consultants: The Struggle With Social Dimensions and Identity

The Motivation of Information Technology Consultants: The Struggle With Social Dimensions and Identity


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Increasingly, customer companies hire external information technology (IT) consultants, often on a special project basis. These consultants are employees of professional service firms, although they receive their assignments from the hiring companies, report to them, and are supervised by them. Using semi-structured interviews with 12 IT consultants in Sweden, we examine the factors that influence their work motivation, including the effect of this dual allegiance-to the service firm and to the customer company. The data indicate that the primary motivators are the variety in tasks and the opportunity to influence and/or manage an entire project. Neither monetary incentives nor the consultancy firm norms are strong motivators. A factor that affects work behavior and motivation is the subordinate identity that IT consultants must assume with their powerful clients. The article concludes with practical suggestions for managers who seek to understand what motivates employees who work at a distance, under external control.
机译:客户公司越来越多地雇用外部信息技术(IT)顾问,经常在特殊项目的基础上。这些顾问是专业服务公司的员工,尽管他们收到了招聘公司的作业,向他们报告,并由他们监督。在瑞典使用半结构化访谈与12 IT顾问,我们研究了影响他们的工作动机的因素,包括这种双重效忠 - 服务公司和客户公司的效果。数据表明,主要励志是任务中的多样性,以及影响和/或管理整个项目的机会。货币激励均未均无咨询公司规范是强大的动力。影响工作行为和动机的一个因素是IT顾问必须与其强大的客户承担的下级身份。本文缔结了对寻求理解在外部控制的员工员工的员工的实际建议的实际建议。



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