首页> 外文期刊>Trends in amplification >The Perception of Telephone-Processed Speech by Combined Electric and Acoustic Stimulation

The Perception of Telephone-Processed Speech by Combined Electric and Acoustic Stimulation


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This study assesses the effects of adding low- or high-frequency information to the band-limited telephone-processed speech on bimodal listeners' telephone speech perception in quiet environments. In the proposed experiments, bimodal users were presented under quiet listening conditions with wideband speech (WB), bandpass-filtered telephone speech (300-3,400 Hz, BP), high-pass filtered speech (f > 300 Hz, HP, i.e., distorted frequency components above 3,400 Hz in telephone speech were restored), and low-pass filtered speech (f < 3,400 Hz, LP, i.e., distorted frequency components below 300 Hz in telephone speech were restored). Results indicated that in quiet environments, for all four types of stimuli, listening with both hearing aid (HA) and cochlear implant (Cl) was significantly better than listening with Cl alone. For both bimodal and Cl-alone modes, there were no statistically significant differences between the LP and BP scores and between the WB and HP scores. However, the HP scores were significantly better than the BP scores. In quiet conditions, both Cl alone and bimodal listening achieved the largest benefits when telephone speech was augmented with high rather than low-frequency information. These findings provide support for the design of algorithms that would extend higher frequency information, at least in quiet environments.
机译:本研究评估将低频或高频信息添加到休闲环境中的双峰听众的电话语音看法中的带限量电话处理语音的影响。在拟议的实验中,双模用户在具有宽带语音(WB)的安静聆听条件下提出,带通滤波的电话语音(300-3,400 Hz,BP),高通滤波语音(F> 300 Hz,HP,即,扭曲恢复高于3,400 Hz的频率分量,恢复低通滤波语音(F <3,400Hz,LP,即电话语音中300 Hz低于300 Hz的扭曲频率分量)。结果表明,在安静的环境中,对于所有四种类型的刺激,听助听器(HA)和耳蜗植入物(CL)的侦听比单独收听Cl.对于双峰和单独的模式,LP和BP分数和WB和HP评分之间没有统计学上显着的差异。但是,惠普分数明显优于BP分数。在安静的条件下,当电话演讲以高而不是低频信息增强时,CL独自和双峰听力都取得了最大的好处。这些发现提供了对算法设计的支持,该算法将至少在安静的环境中扩展更高的频率信息。



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