首页> 外文期刊>Der Hautarzt; Zeitschrift fuer Dermatologie, Venerologie, und verwandte Gebiete >Differential diagnostics of lipedema and lymphedema. A practical guideline

Differential diagnostics of lipedema and lymphedema. A practical guideline

机译:Lipedema和Lymphedema的差异诊断。 实用的准则

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Lipedema is a symmetrical disorder of the subcutaneous adipose tissue that affects almost exclusively women in postpubescent age. The trinity of disfiguring hyperplastic adipose tissue of the proximal extremities, increasing pain over time and bruising is characteristic. Lymphedema can occur in both sexes and is differentiated into primary and secondary subtypes. Symmetry is not a prerequisite for diagnosis. Characteristic for lymphedema is the disproportion between lymphatic fluid and the capacity of lymphatic vessels. The most distal body parts are always more severely affected than proximal parts. In the initial phases lymphedema is painless but in advanced stages tension pain can occur. The combination of both disorders has been described; however, lipedema is not responsible for subsequent lymphedema in contrast to central obesity, which significantly increases the risk of lymphedema. The differential diagnosis is of utmost importance for a meaningful management.
机译:Lipedema是皮下脂肪组织的对称性疾病,这些脂肪组织几乎完全影响了发短发性年龄的女性。 沉积近端的沉积增生脂肪组织的三位一体,随着时间的推移增加疼痛和瘀伤是特征。 淋巴结肿可以发生在两性中,并分为初级和次级亚型。 对称性不是诊断的先决条件。 淋巴水肿的特征是淋巴液与淋巴管的能力之间的歧化。 最远端部件总是受到近端部件的严重影响。 在初始阶段,淋巴水肿是无痛,但在晚期阶段,可能发生张力疼痛。 已经描述了两种障碍的组合; 然而,与中央肥胖相比,Lipedema对随后的淋巴米瘤不负责任,这显着增加了淋巴米肿瘤的风险。 差异诊断对于有意义的管理是至关重要的。



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