首页> 外文期刊>Hydrology and Earth System Sciences >Seasonal origins of soil water used by trees

Seasonal origins of soil water used by trees


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Rain recharges soil water storages and either percolates downward into aquifers and streams or is returned to the atmosphere through evapotranspiration. Although it is commonly assumed that summer rainfall recharges plant-available water during the growing season, the seasonal origins of water used by plants have not been systematically explored. We characterize the seasonal origins of waters in soils and trees by comparing their midsummer isotopic signatures (delta H-2) to seasonal isotopic cycles in precipitation, using a new seasonal origin index. Across 182 Swiss forest sites, xylem water isotopic signatures show that summer rain was not the predominant water source for midsummer transpiration in any of the three sampled tree species. Beech and oak mostly used winter precipitation, whereas spruce used water of more diverse seasonal origins. Even in the same plots, beech consistently used more winter precipitation than spruce, demonstrating consistent niche partitioning in the rhizosphere. All three species' xylem water isotopes indicate that trees used more winter precipitation in drier regions, potentially mitigating their vulnerability to summer droughts. The widespread occurrence of winter isotopic signatures in midsummer xylem implies that growing-season rainfall may have minimally recharged the soil water storages that supply tree growth, even across diverse humid climates (690-2068 mm annual precipitation). These results challenge common assumptions concerning how water flows through soils and is accessed by trees. Beyond these ecological and hydrological implications, our findings also imply that stable isotopes of delta O-18 and delta H-2 in plant tissues, which are often used in climate reconstructions, may not reflect water from growing-season climates.
机译:雨充电土壤水储物,并向下渗透到含水层和溪流中,或通过蒸散蒸腾返回大气。虽然常见的是夏季降雨在不断增长的季节充电植物供水,但植物使用的水季节性尚未得到系统探索。通过将其仲夏同位素签名(Delta H-2)与季节性同位素循环进行比较,使用新的季节性原产地指数来表征土壤和树木中水中的季节性起源。在182个瑞士森林网站上,木质水同位素签名表明,夏季雨不是中载在三种采样树种中的任何一种仲夏蒸腾的主要水源。山毛榉和橡木大部分使用冬季降水,而云杉普通的季节性起源。即使在同一地块中,榉木始终使用比云杉更冬季沉淀,展示了根际的一致的利基分区。所有三种物种的木质水同位素表明,树木在干旱地区使用了更多的冬季降水,可能会减轻对夏季干旱的脆弱性。仲夏Xylem的冬季同位素签名的广泛发生意味着,即使在多元化的潮湿气氛中,也可能会降雨量的降雨量最小的降雨可能已经最小的降雨量,即使在不同的潮湿气候(每年降水量690-2068 mm)。这些结果挑战了有关水流过土壤的常见假设,并被树木进入。除了这些生态和水文影响之外,我们的研究结果还暗示ΔO-18的稳定同位素和植物组织中通常用于气候重建的植物组织中,可能不会反映来自生长季节的水。



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