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Comparison of Acetic Acid to Glyphosate for Weed Suppression in the Garden


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Interest in organic vegetable gardening has increased in recent years. Organic growers are searching for alternatives to glyphosate for weed suppression. This study was conducted twice. Each data collection period lasted 132 days during the growing seasons of 2016 and 2017 in Richmond, KY. Treatments included application of glyphosate, vinegar [5% acetic acid (AA)], 20% horticulture grade vinegar (20% AA), 30% horticulture grade vinegar (30% AA), and a negative control. Treatments were applied in a factorial arrangement with two application periods (fall and spring or spring only). The percentage of weed cover within plots was evaluated visually with a 0-10 rating scale (0 = 0% weeds or 100% of the plot is dead; 5 = 50% weed growth; 10 = 100% of the plot is alive with weeds). All plots began the study with a rating of 10. After the initial treatment applications, visual ratings of the 5%, 20%, and 30% AA declined to a rating of 0 within 48 hours, whereas the glyphosate required 7 days (P= 0.05). Treatments were reapplied to part of the plots (subplots) in the spring when approximate to 50% of the plot had regrown with weeds. Glyphosate required 71 to 80.8 days to reach 50% regrowth and required only one retreatment. The 20% and 30% AA applications required three (2016) and four (2017) retreatments. Glyphosate has proven to be more effective at weed control in vegetable gardens when compared with vinegar, although 20% AA and 30% AA are viable alternatives.
机译:近年来,对有机蔬菜园艺的兴趣增加。有机种植者正在寻找草甘膦的替代品,用于杂草抑制。这项研究进行了两次。每年的数据收集期在2016年和2017年在里士满,KY中的日世季节期间持续了132天。治疗包括草甘膦的施用,醋[5%乙酸(AA)],20%园艺级醋(20%AA),30%园艺级醋(30%AA)和阴性对照。用两个申请​​期(仅秋季或春季)以阶乘安排应用治疗。图中杂草覆盖的百分比用0-10评级(0%= 0%)评估(0%杂草或100%死亡; 5 = 50%的杂草生长; 10 = 100%的情节与杂草活着)。所有地块都开始研究等级。初始治疗应用后,5%,20%和30%AA的视觉评级下降到48小时内的额定值,而第7天所需的草甘膦(P = 0.05)。当近似为50%的情节被重新加入杂草时,将治疗重新采集到弹簧中的一部分(凹槽)。草甘膦需要71到80.8天,以达到50%的再生,只需要一个撤退。 20%和30%的AA申请需要三(2016)和四(2017年)休修。与醋相比,草甘膦已被证明在蔬菜花园中的杂草控制更有效,虽然20%AA和30%AA是可行的替代品。



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