
Juvenile osteochondritis dissecans: Is it a growth disturbance of the secondary physis of the epiphysis?


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OBJECTIVE: The primary physis is responsible for longitudinal bone growth. Similarly, epiphysial growth relies on endochondral ossification from the circumferential secondary physis. Physial injury can result in disruption of normal ossification. The cause of juvenile osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) remains elusive. We hypothesized that juvenile OCD results from an insult affecting endochondral ossification from the secondary physis. The purpose of our study was to evaluate the MRI appearance of the distal femoral epiphysis-particularly the secondary physis-of children with juvenile OCD and to compare these findings with the MRI findings of unaffected children. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Knee MRI examinations of 30 children (age range, 8 years 8 months to 13 years 4 months) with OCD and 30 matched control patients were evaluated for skeletal maturity; location of the OCD lesion, if present; secondary physial continuity; overlying chondroepiphysial integrity, contour, and width; signal intensity of subchondral bone; and secondary physial conspicuity. Variables were compared using chi-square tests. RESULTS: All children were skeletally immature. Condylar lesions were medial in 24 knees and lateral in six knees. All were in the middle one third, posterior one third, or middle and posterior thirds in the sagittal plane. The majority of lesions spanned the intercondylar and middle one third of the femoral condyle in the coronal plane (73%). There was a significant difference between secondary physial disruption in juvenile OCD condyles compared with unaffected condyles (p < 0.001) and control condyles (p < 0.001). Compared with unaffected and control condyles, the OCD group showed chondroepiphysial widening (p < 0.001) and subchondral bone edema (p < 0.001) on MRI. Neither chondroepiphysial integrity nor chondroepiphysial contour was significantly different between groups (p = 0.21, p = 0.31, respectively). CONCLUSION: MRI of children with OCD consistently showed secondary physis disruption, overlying chondroepiphysial widening, and subchondral bone edema. We suggest that disruption of normal endochondral ossification may be associated with juvenile OCD.
机译:目的:主要的物理负责骨骼的纵向生长。同样,骨physi的生长依赖于周围次生软骨的软骨内骨化。人身伤害可能导致正常的骨化破坏。少年剥离性骨软骨炎(OCD)的原因仍然难以捉摸。我们假设青少年强迫症是由次生影响软骨内骨化的损伤所致。我们研究的目的是评估少年OCD儿童股骨远端骨epi的MRI表现,尤其是继发性,并将这些发现与未患病儿童的MRI发现进行比较。材料与方法:对30例强迫症患儿(年龄范围8岁8个月至13岁4个月)和30名匹配的对照患者进行了膝部MRI检查,以评估其骨骼成熟度。强迫症病变的位置(如果存在);次要物理连续性;软骨软骨物理完整性,轮廓和宽度;软骨下骨的信号强度;和次要的身体醒目。使用卡方检验比较变量。结果:所有儿童骨骼均未成熟。突病变位于内侧24膝,外侧6膝。全部位于矢状面的中三分之一,后三分之一,中后三分之一。大多数病变跨越冠状平面内的con间和股骨middle中部三分之一(73%)。与未受影响的con(p <0.001)和对照组的((p <0.001)相比,OCD少年secondary的继发性生理破坏存在显着差异。与未受影响和正常的con相比,OCD组在MRI上显示软骨表皮增生(p <0.001)和软骨下骨水肿(p <0.001)。两组之间的软骨表物理完整性和软骨表物理轮廓均无显着差异(分别为p = 0.21,p = 0.31)。结论:强迫症患儿的MRI表现为继发性生理中断,软骨表体增宽和软骨下骨水肿。我们建议正常软骨内骨化的破坏可能与少年强迫症有关。



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