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FOIA and the national security scholar as fire alarm oversight


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Congress may engage in intelligence oversight by authorizing third-party requesters as 'fire alarms' to promote transparency under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA). FOIA authorizes requesters to sue federal agencies to ensure their cooperation with requests for agency records. This article considers judicial review and the national security scholar's role as fire alarm oversight by examining the litigation for the Pfeiffer Bay of Pigs CIA operation history, draft volume V. The article illustrates a compliance gap that requesters and courts can close by canvassing the advantages that scholars, especially historians, enjoy in enabling judicial oversight that promotes executive agency transparency.
机译:代表大会可以通过授权第三方请求者作为“火警”来促进信息法案(FOIA)的透明度来互动监督。 Foia授权请求者苏联邦机构以确保与机构记录要求合作。 本文认为司法审查和国家安全学者通过审查猪的PFeiffer湾的诉讼,股票卷草案V.本文说明了请求者和法院可以通过遏制优势来关闭的合规性缺口 学者,特别是历史学家,享有司法监督,促进执行机构透明度。



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