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Japanese Carbon Storage in Materials


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The NEAT model (Nonenergy-use Emission Accounting Tables) has been developed in order to estimate CO_2 emissions caused by so-called nonenergy use of fossil fuels. The model is based on material flow accounting. The model has been applied to a number of countries in order to validate and improve its use. This paper discusses the case study for Japan. The NEAT analysis suggests that emissions in 1996 were 23 Mt higher than previously estimated based on the guidelines of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). This quantity equals 1.9% of the total Japanese greenhouse gas emission. It is recommended to adjust the Japanese emission accounting practice and to apply more detailed emission estimation methods in future years. Given similar results for other countries it is also recommended to improve the IPCC guidelines.
机译:已开发出NEAT模型(非能源使用排放核算表),以估计由所谓的非能源化石燃料使用引起的CO_2排放。该模型基于物料流核算。该模型已应用于许多国家,以验证和改进其使用。本文讨论了日本的案例研究。 NEAT分析表明,1996年的排放量比根据政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)的指南估计的排放量高23Mt。这个数量等于日本温室气体总排放量的1.9%。建议调整日本的排放核算惯例,并在未来几年中采用更详细的排放估算方法。鉴于其他国家也有类似的结果,还建议完善IPCC指南。



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