首页> 外文期刊>Tropical Animal Health and Production >Ovarian hormones and antioxidant biomarkers in dromedary camels synchronized with new and re-used controlled intravaginal drug release (CIDR)/GPG (Ovsynch) program during breeding season

Ovarian hormones and antioxidant biomarkers in dromedary camels synchronized with new and re-used controlled intravaginal drug release (CIDR)/GPG (Ovsynch) program during breeding season

机译:在繁殖季节期间,Droomedary骆驼中的卵巢激素和抗氧化生物标志物与新的和重新使用的受控阴道药物释放(CIDR)/ GPG(OVSynch)程序同步

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This study aimed to investigate the effect of CIDR, re-used wCIDR, and Ovsynch protocols for the synchronization of follicular waves on ovarian hormones, oxidative stress, and antioxidant biomarkers during the breeding season. Dromedary camels (N=18) were divided into three equal groups. The first group received CIDR. The second group received previously used wCIDR after thorough cleaning and disinfection. The third group was subjected to GPG protocol. Progesterone (P-4), estradiol (E2) l, total antioxidant capacity (TAC), catalase (CAT), lipid peroxide product (MDA), nitric oxide (NO), and glutathione reduced (GSH) were measured. Days during CIDR affected P4 (P=0.0001), E2 (P=0.047), TAC (P=0.01), NO (P=0.028), and GSH (P=0.005). Days during re-used wCIDR effected P4, TAC, CAT, NO, GSH, and MDA (P0.001). Days during GPG effected P4, E2, TAC, GSH (P=0.0001), MDA (P=0.036), and NO (P=0.02). CIDR-treated camels had high P4 (P=0.0001), E2 (P=0.0001), TAC (P=0.012), and NO (P=0.0001), with low GSH (P=0.001), and MDA (P=0.003). Exogenous progesterone improved ovarian hormones and the antioxidant capacity and minimized the oxidative stress than the GPG treatment and is recommended for future reproductive management of camels.
机译:本研究旨在探讨CIDR,重新使用的WCIDR和OVSynch协议对卵巢激素,氧化应激和抗氧化生物标志物在繁殖季节的同步的影响。 Droomedary骆驼(n = 18)分为三个相等的群体。第一组收到CIDR。彻底清洁和消毒后,第二组接受了先前使用的WCIDR。第三组进行GPG议定书。孕酮(P-4),雌二醇(E2)L,总抗氧化能力(TAC),过氧化氢酶(CAT),脂质过氧化物产物(MDA),一氧化氮(NO)和谷胱甘肽还原(GSH)。 CIDR影响期间的天数p4(p = 0.0001),E2(p = 0.047),TAC(P = 0.01),NO(P = 0.028)和GSH(P = 0.005)。在重新使用的WCIDR期间的日子,TAC,CAT,NO,GSH和MDA(P0.001)。在GPG效果期间的天数P4,E2,TAC,GSH(P = 0.0001),MDA(P = 0.036),否(P = 0.02)。 CIDR处理的骆驼具有高p4(p = 0.0001),e2(p = 0.0001),tac(p = 0.012),no(p = 0.0001),低gsh(p = 0.001)和mda(p = 0.003) )。外源性黄体酮改善卵巢激素和抗氧化能力,并最小化氧化应激比GPG处理,建议未来骆驼的未来生殖管理。



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