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The West-Pomeranian population of the Aquatic Warbler Acrocephaluspaludicola: Habitat change and restoration potential

机译:水生莺Acrocephalus Paludicola的西波美拉尼亚种群:生境变化和恢复潜力

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The Aquatic Warbler (Acrocephalus paludicola) is a globally threatened species. Around 1900, it was one of the most widespread birds in Central-European fen mires. The population severely decreased as a consequence of wetland drainage. In recent years, it is stable in the Polesie region (Eastern Poland, Belarus, Ukraine) where about 80% of the world population is concentrated, but decreases sharply in Western Pomerania. Distinct genetic differences to all other populations suggest that the remaining birds in Western Pomerania are the last survivors of a separated, large Central European population. Its conservation has high priority (reflected in a CMS Memorandum of Understanding in 2003), but it is hampered by insufficient knowledge on habitat requirements.
机译:水生莺(Acrocephalus paludicola)是一种全球濒危物种。 1900年左右,它是中欧芬沼泽地区分布最广的鸟类之一。由于湿地排水,人口急剧减少。近年来,它在波兰地区(东波兰,白俄罗斯,乌克兰)稳定,那里约80%的世界人口集中在该地区,但在西波美拉尼亚急剧下降。与其他所有种群不同的遗传差异表明,西波美拉尼亚其余的鸟类是中欧一个分散的大型种群的最后幸存者。它的保护具有很高的优先级(2003年在CMS谅解备忘录中得到反映),但是由于对生境要求的了解不足而受到阻碍。



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