首页> 外文期刊>Topics in geriatric rehabilitation >Copresence of Osteophyte and Effusion as a Risk Factor for Knee Pain in the Community-Dwelling Elderly

Copresence of Osteophyte and Effusion as a Risk Factor for Knee Pain in the Community-Dwelling Elderly


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The aim of this study was to investigate the risk factors for knee pain in the elderly. Seventy-six community-dwelling elderly women underwent an ultrasound examination of their knees. We compared the results of knee pain among the groups allocated according to the presence of osteophyte and effusion. Our results showed that the group with a copresence of osteophyte and effusion had a significantly higher presence of knee pain than the other groups. A combination of osteophyte and effusion provides a better indication for the risk of knee pain.
机译:本研究的目的是调查老年人膝关节疼痛的危险因素。 七十六个社区住宅老年妇女经历了膝盖的超声检查。 我们将膝关节疼痛的结果与骨骨细节和积液的存在分配的群体之间进行了比较。 我们的研究结果表明,具有骨折和效果的骨骼共和的组具有比其他组的膝关节疼痛的显着较高。 骨赘和积液的组合为膝关节疼痛的风险提供了更好的迹象。



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