首页> 外文期刊>Transactions of the American Fisheries Society >Evaluation of the Effects of Marking Pacific Lamprey Ammocoetes with Visual Implant Elastomer, Coded Wire Tags, and Passive Integrated Transponders

Evaluation of the Effects of Marking Pacific Lamprey Ammocoetes with Visual Implant Elastomer, Coded Wire Tags, and Passive Integrated Transponders


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Populations of Pacific Lamprey Entosphenus tridentatus have declined in multiple portions of the Columbia River basin and some Pacific coastal rivers due to a variety of factors. Given the ecological and cultural significance of the species, federal, state, and tribal resource managers have increased conservation efforts, though a lack of basic information about the biology of wild lampreys hinders some of these actions. Multiple tagging technologies have been used to mark migrating metamorphosed juvenile lampreys for research, but these methods have not been experimentally tested for use on the smaller ammocoete stage. Lamprey ammocoetes (total length range = 29-83 mm) were assigned to groups marked with three common tags (visible implant elastomer [VIE], coded wire tags [CWT], and passive integrated transponders [PIT]) or to untagged controls, and mortality and tag retention were monitored. Growth and burrowing ability were also measured to determine the potential for sublethal effects of tagging. At the end of the 137-d study, no mortality was measured in the VIE group and tag retention was 100%. Fish in the CWT group also exhibited no mortality, though tag retention was 64%. Fish in both of these groups did not exhibit any differences in growth or burrowing performance when compared with controls. The PIT group was the only group to experience mortality at a rate of 62.5%. While the larger fish within the PIT group displayed higher survival, the smallest fish that survived PIT implantation was 70 mm. Tag retention was 89% for surviving lampreys in the PIT group. All three techniques were successfully used to mark small ammocoetes, though researchers should carefully consider the benefits and potential effects on animal behavior when choosing which method to use.
机译:由于各种因素,哥伦比亚河流域和一些太平洋沿海河流的多份,太平洋羊斑群岛特罗奥斯斯塔斯的群体下降。鉴于物种的生态和文化意义,联邦,州和部落资源管理人员提高了节约努力,尽管缺乏有关野生LAMPREYS生物学的基本信息阻碍了一些这些行动。多种标记技术已被用于标记迁移变质的少年Lampleys进行研究,但这些方法尚未经过实验测试用于较小的Ammococete阶段。分配Lamprey Ammocoetes(总长度范围= 29-83mm),分配给标有三个常见标签的组(可见植入物弹性体[VIE],编码线标签[CWT],并被动集成的转发器[PIT])或未标记的控制,以及监测死亡率和标签保留。还测量了生长和挖掘能力,以确定标记的核心效应的潜力。在137-D研究结束时,在VIE组中没有测量死亡率,标签保留为100%。 CWT组中的鱼也没有死亡率,尽管标签保留为64%。与对照相比,这两组两组的鱼在增长或穴居性能方面没有表现出任何差异。坑群是唯一一个以62.5%的死亡率体验死亡率的小组。虽然坑组内的较大鱼类呈现较高的生存,但存活坑植入的最小鱼类为70毫米。在坑组中存活的Lampreys,标签保留为89%。所有三种技术都成功地用于标记小型弹药,但研究人员应在选择使用方法时仔细考虑对动物行为的益处和潜在影响。



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