首页> 外文期刊>Toxicon: An International Journal Devoted to the Exchange of Knowledge on the Poisons Derived from Animals, Plants and Microorganisms >Spontaneous abortion in cattle after consumption of Hesperocyparis (Cupressus) macrocarpa (Hartw.) Bartel and Cupressus arizonica (Greene) needles in Uruguay

Spontaneous abortion in cattle after consumption of Hesperocyparis (Cupressus) macrocarpa (Hartw.) Bartel and Cupressus arizonica (Greene) needles in Uruguay

机译:在乌拉圭的Hesperocyparis(Cupressus)Macrocarpa(Hartw。)乌拉圭的牛奶(Cupressus)宏观(Hartw。)Partel和Cupressus arizonica(Greene)针(Greene)针在乌拉圭的自发性流产

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An outbreak of cattle abortion associated with the consumption of Hesperocyparis (Cupressus) macrocarpa and Cupressus arizonica needles has been reported in Uruguay. Twenty-five of 125 pregnant heifers in late-term pregnancy aborted after being introduced into a paddock containing numerous H. macrocarpa, C. arizonica and Casuarina cunninghamiana trees. There were no significant macroscopic or histological findings in the two fetuses analyzed. Abortifacient labdane acids were detected in the needles of H. macrocarpa (1.68%, D.W.) and C. arizonica (0.36%, D.W.) but none were found in C. cunninghamiana.
机译:乌拉圭报道了与哈培锁突(Cupressus)宏观糖尿病和Cupressus arizonica针的消费相关的牛流产的爆发。 125名怀孕后的孕母牛中的二十五次被引入含有众多H.Macrocarpa,C. Arizonica和Casuarina Cunninghamiana树的围场后中止。 分析了两种胎儿中没有显着的宏观或组织学发现。 在H. macrocarpa的针中检测到脂肪酸脂果醛酸(1.68%,D.)和C. Arizonica(0.36%,D.),但在C. Cunninghamiana中没有发现。



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