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Effect of high-voltage pulse bias on the stress and morphology of CA-PVD TiN coatings


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We investigated the role of high-voltage pulse bias (HVPB) on the structure, morphology and residual stress of TiN coatings produced with cathodic arc physical vapour deposition and compared them with the ones produced with DC bias. Annealing heat treatment was also performed for surveying stress-relieving behaviour within the coatings. The preferred orientation of the coatings changed from (111) to (220) by the application of HVPB. Coatings produced with DC bias exhibited Zone T structure, while the growth morphologies of the coatings produced with HVPB were very similar to the structures in the beginning of Zone II. The presence of Ar in the deposition environment increased the residual stress of all coatings. Intra-grain stresses of the coatings produced with DC bias were almost totally annihilated by annealing. However, for coatings produced with HVPB, stress relief magnitudes were very low, indicating that intra-grain defects could not be totally annihilated.
机译:我们调查了高压脉冲偏压(HVPB)对具有阴极电弧物理气相沉积产生的锡涂层的结构,形态和残余应力的作用,并将其与用DC偏置产生的涂层进行比较。 还进行了退火热处理,用于测量涂层内的应力缓解行为。 涂层的优选取向通过施用HVPB而变化为(111)至(220)。 用DC偏置产生的涂层显示区T结构,而用HVPB产生的涂层的生长形态与区域II开头的结构非常相似。 沉积环境中AR的存在增加了所有涂层的残余应力。 用DC偏压产生的涂层的粒子内应力几乎完全通过退火完全湮灭。 然而,对于用HVPB产生的涂层,应力释放大小非常低,表明晶粒内缺陷不能完全湮灭。



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