首页> 外文期刊>Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals >Globularisation of alpha Lamellae in Titanium Alloy: Effect of Strain, Strain Path and Starting Microstructure

Globularisation of alpha Lamellae in Titanium Alloy: Effect of Strain, Strain Path and Starting Microstructure


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To gain in-depth understating on the globularisation of alpha lamellae in titanium alloys, a systematic study has been carried out to evaluate the effect of strain and strain path on the microstructural evolution of titanium alloy Ti-6Al-4V with two different starting microstructures viz., water quenched martensitic and air cooled lamellar microstructure. Ti-6A1-4V was subjected to similar amounts of strain using uniaxial (monotonic) and multi-axial (non-monotonic) deformation. A vis-A -vis comparison of the microstructures obtained after deformation revealed that the material with fine alpha lamellae exhibits better globularisation kinetics irrespective of the mode of deformation. Further alteration of the strain path (multi-axial or non-monotonic) in the material before achieving critical percentage of deformation results in reduced globularisation. Beyond this critical amount of deformation, the results obtained for both monotonic and non-monotonic deformation are comparable. However, multi-axial or non-monotonic deformation results in better homogeneity in terms of microstructural evolution.
机译:为了深入低估钛合金中α薄片的球状化,已经进行了系统研究,以评估菌株和应变路径对钛合金Ti-6Al-4V微结构演变的影响,两种不同的起始微结构viz 。,水淬火马氏体和空气冷却层状微观结构。使用单轴(单调)和多轴(非单调)变形进行Ti-6a1-4v的菌株相似。变形后获得的微结构的VI-A -VIS比较显示,与细胞细菌α薄片的材料表现出更好的球状动力学,无论变形模式如何。在实现临界百分比的材料之前,在材料中进一步改变材料中的临界百分比导致圆球化降低。除了这种临界变形量之外,对于单调和非单调变形而获得的结果是可比的。然而,在微观结构进化方面,多轴或非单调变形导致更好的均匀性。



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