首页> 外文期刊>AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses >The Evolving HIV-1 Epidemic in Warao Amerindians Is Dominated by an Extremely High Frequency of CXCR4-Utilizing Strains

The Evolving HIV-1 Epidemic in Warao Amerindians Is Dominated by an Extremely High Frequency of CXCR4-Utilizing Strains


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We previously reported a high prevalence of HIV-1 infection in Warao Amerindians from Venezuela due to the rapid spread of a single B subtype strain. In this study we evaluated the coreceptor use of the HIV-1 strains infecting this Amerindian community. Sequences of the HIV-1 V3 loop from 56 plasma samples were genotyped for coreceptor use. An extremely high frequency of CXCR4 strains was found among HIV-1-infecting Waraos (47/49, 96%), compared to HIV-1 strains infecting the non-Amerindian Venezuelan population (35/79, 44%, p<0.00001). Evolutionary analysis showed that a significant number of infections occurred between 1 and 12 months before collection and that a great proportion (50-70%) of HIV-1 transmissions occurred within the very early phase of infection (12 months). This is consistent with an initial infection dominated by an X4 strain or a very rapid selection of X4 variants after infection. This Amerindian population also exhibits the highest prevalence of tuberculosis in Venezuela, being synergistically bad prognostic factors for the evolution of morbidity and mortality in this vulnerable population.
机译:我们先前曾报道委内瑞拉的Warao美洲印第安人中HIV-1感染的流行率很高,原因是单个B亚型菌株的快速传播。在这项研究中,我们评估了感染该美洲印第安人社区的HIV-1菌株的共受体使用。对来自56个血浆样品的HIV-1 V3环序列进行了基因分型,以用于共受体使用。与感染非美洲印第安人委内瑞拉人群的HIV-1菌株相比(35 / 79,44%,p <0.00001),在感染HIV-1的Waraos中发现CXCR4菌株的频率极高(47 / 49,96%)。 。进化分析显示,在收集前1至12个月之间发生了大量感染,并且在感染的早期(12个月)内发生了很大一部分(50-70%)HIV-1传播。这与以X4株为主的初始感染或感染后X4变体的快速选择相一致。该美洲印第安人人群在委内瑞拉的结核病患病率最高,是该弱势人群发病率和死亡率演变的协同不良预后因素。



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