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India launches 'love condom' campaign.


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The FDA has approved the use of the vaccine Gardasil~R for the prevention of genital warts (condyloma acuminata) due to human papillomavirus (HPV) types 6 and 11 in boys and men, ages 9 through 26. Each year, about 2 out of every 1,000 men in the United States are newly diagnosed with genital warts.Gardasil is currently approved for use in girls and women ages 9 through 26 for the prevention of cervical, vulvar, and vaginal cancer caused by HPV types 16 and 18; precancerous lesions caused by types 6, 11, 16, and 18; and genital warts caused by types 6 and 11.AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF) has launched a "LOVE Condom" campaign. The new initiative includes the distribution of free AHF "LOVE"-brand condoms, as well as a "Stay Negative" public service advertising campaign. The innovative and eye-catching Delhi/NCR HIV prevention and testing campaign urges the public to "Stay Negative." People are encouraged to visit www.freehivtest.net to find out where to get tested quickly, conveniently, and at no cost. An image of a semi-nude male with the words "Stay Negative" tattooed on his upper back is already having an impact. An increase in traffic to the www.freeHIVTest.net website has also coincided with an increase in testing at AHF sites. The campaign aims to bring public-private partnerships to address access to free condoms. It also complements ongoing social marketing and free distribution of condoms. It plans to scale-up global support for renewed condom usage by distributing 10 million WHO-approved, high-quality condoms free of charge to any individual, nongovernment, or government agency that makes a commitment to support the campaign's aim of achieving 100% access to free condoms worldwide.For more information about the campaign, visit www .getfreecondoms.org.
机译:FDA已批准使用疫苗Gardasil〜R预防9至26岁男孩和男孩因人类乳头瘤病毒(HPV)6和11型引起的尖锐湿疣(尖锐湿疣)。每年,约有2分之2在美国,每1,000名新近被诊断出患有尖锐湿疣的男性。加达西尔目前已被批准用于9至26岁的女孩和女性,以预防由16和18型HPV引起的宫颈癌,外阴癌和阴道癌。由6、11、16和18型引起的癌前病变;以及由6型和11型引起的尖锐湿疣。爱滋病保健基金会(AHF)发起了“爱的避孕套”运动。新举措包括免费分发AHF“爱”牌安全套,以及“保持消极”公共服务广告活动。创新和引人注目的德里/ NCR HIV预防和测试运动敦促公众“保持消极态度”。鼓励人们访问www.freehivtest.net,以了解在何处进行快速,便捷且免费的测试。半裸男的上背部刻有“ Stay Negative”字样的图像已经产生影响。前往www.freeHIVTest.net网站的访问量的增加也与AHF网站上测试的增加相吻合。该运动旨在使公私伙伴关系解决获得免费避孕套的问题。它还补充了正在进行的社会营销和安全套的免费分发。它计划通过向任何承诺支持该运动旨在实现100%普及的目标的个人,非政府或政府机构免费分发1000万WHO批准的高质量避孕套,以扩大对新避孕套使用的全球支持。欲了解有关该运动的更多信息,请访问www.getfreecondoms.org。



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