首页> 外文期刊>The Sunbird: journal of the Queensland Ornithological Society >Nocturnal foraging by a pair of Welcome Swallows (Hirundo neoxena) under artificial light in semi-arid Queensland

Nocturnal foraging by a pair of Welcome Swallows (Hirundo neoxena) under artificial light in semi-arid Queensland

机译:在半干旱昆士兰的人造光下,一对欢迎燕子(Hirundo Neoxena)夜间觅食

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The Welcome Swallow (Hirundo neoxena) is ubiquitous in Australia and is commonly seen foraging on the wing around rural or urban human habitations (Higgins et al. 2006). All swallow species forage primarily diurnally and on the wing, although cases of ground-foraging (Fitzsimons & Thomas 2012) and nocturnal foraging (Hobbs 1966) have been recorded. Welcome Swallows construct mud cup nests, held together with dried grass, often in anthropogenic structures such as among the rafters of buildings, under bridges, or in mine shafts; or inside caves or large tree hollows (Higgins et al. 2006).
机译:欢迎燕子(Hirundo Neoxena)在澳大利亚普遍存在,常见于农村或城市人类习惯的翼觅食(Higgins等,2006年)。 所有吞下物种主要在田间和机翼上觅食,尽管已经记录了地面觅食的情况(Fitzsimons&Thomas 2012)和夜间觅食(Hobbs 1966)。 欢迎燕子构建泥杯巢,与干草一起保持,通常在人为结构中,如建筑物的椽子,桥梁,或在矿井中; 或者在洞穴或大树空洞中(Higgins等人2006)。



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