首页> 外文期刊>Biotechnology Progress >Targeting systemically administered proteins to bone by bisphosphonate conjugation

Targeting systemically administered proteins to bone by bisphosphonate conjugation


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To develop a methodology for bone-specific delivery of proteins,a bone-seeking aminobisphosphosphonate (aminoBP)was previously conjugated to a model protein,bovine serumal bumin (BSA).The conjugates were shown to exhibit a high affinity to bone in vitro and invivo.This study was conducted todetermine whether the systemic delivery of proteins to bone can be increased by aminoBP conjugation.Two model proteins used for this study were BSA and lysozyme (LYZ).For each protein,an unmodified and aminoBP-conjugated protein were ~(125)I-labeled and injected into rats,and the organde livery of the proteins were determined.Intravenous (IV)injection of aminoBP-BSA resulted in a 2.0 -to 3.7-fold increased delivery to bones as compared to the control protein in young rats.In osteopenic,ovariectomized rats,aminoBP conjugation enhanced the bone delivery of BSA by 2.2-to 7.5-fold.A 3.7-to 5.6-fold increased delivery was also observed for LYZ after IV injection in normal rats.In addition to IV route of administration,subcutaneous injection was also effective in delivering a higher amount of aminoBP-conjugated proteins tobone.We conclude that conjugating bone-seeking aminoBPstp proteins improved their delivery to mineralized tissues.The proposed targeting appraoch has the potential to improve the efficacy of recombinant proteins capable of stimulating bone formation by enhancing their localization to bones.
机译:为了开发蛋白质的骨特异性递送方法,先前将寻求骨骼的氨基双膦酸酯(aminoBP)与模型蛋白牛血清白蛋白(BSA)偶联。该偶联物显示出对骨骼的高亲和力。进行这项研究,以确定是否可以通过aminoBP偶联来增加蛋白质向骨骼的全身递送。本研究使用的两种模型蛋白质是BSA和溶菌酶(LYZ)。对于每种蛋白质,未修饰的和与BP结合的蛋白质为〜( 125)I标记并注射到大鼠中,并测定蛋白质的器官涂染。与年轻对照蛋白质相比,静脉内(IV)注射aminoBP-BSA导致向骨骼的递送增加2.0到3.7倍在骨质疏松,去卵巢的大鼠中,氨基BP结合使BSA的骨递送增加了2.2到7.5倍。在正常大鼠中,静脉注射后LYZ的递送也增加了3.7到5.6倍。的通过给药,皮下注射也可以有效地向骨骼中输送更多量的氨基BP结合蛋白。我们的结论是,结合寻求骨骼的氨基BPstp蛋白可以改善其向矿化组织的递送。拟议的靶向方法具有提高重组蛋白能力的潜力。通过增强骨骼在骨骼中的定位来刺激骨骼形成。



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