首页> 外文期刊>AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses >Predictive Value of Interferon-gamma ELISPOT Assay in HIV 1-Infected Patients in an Intermediate Tuberculosis-Endemic Area

Predictive Value of Interferon-gamma ELISPOT Assay in HIV 1-Infected Patients in an Intermediate Tuberculosis-Endemic Area

机译:干扰素-γELISPOT分析法在中度结核病流行地区HIV 1感染患者中的预测价值

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The tuberculin skin test for diagnosing latent tuberculosis (TB) has some limitations for HIV-infected patients, especially in BCG vaccinated countries. The objective of this study was to identify the incidence rate of new TB cases among HIV-infected patients in an intermediate TB-endemic area and to examine its correlation with the ELISPOT assay. We prospectively followed up 124 patients with HIV-1 infection to monitor development of active TB disease after performing an ELISPOT assay (T-SPOT. TB test, Oxford Immunotec, Ltd., Abingdon, UK). A total of 120 patients were followed for a median of 947 days; four patients with active TB at enrollment were excluded. Eleven patients developed active TB during 238 person-years, giving a high incidence rate of 4621/100,000 person-years. Patients with positive ELISPOT responses had a higher TB incidence rate than those with negative ELISPOT responses; however this was not statistically significant [20% (6/30) vs. 6.02% (5/83), p = 0.052]. A Cox regression analysis showed that the independent risk factors associated with progression of TB were low CD4~+ T cell counts, previous history of TB treatment, and positive ELISPOT results. Advanced HIV-infected patients who showed a positive TB ELISPOT assay had a higher rate of progression to TB in the intermediate TB-endemic area.
机译:结核菌素皮肤试验可用于诊断潜伏性结核(TB),对受HIV感染的患者有一定的局限性,尤其是在接种过卡介苗的国家。这项研究的目的是确定中等结核病流行地区的HIV感染患者中新结核病病例的发生率,并检查其与ELISPOT分析的相关性。我们进行了ELISPOT分析(T-SPOT。TB测试,牛津Immunotec,Ltd.,英国阿宾登)后,对124名HIV-1感染患者进行了随访,以监测其活动性结核病的进展。总共对120名患者进行了随访,中位数为947天。登记时排除了四名活动性结核患者。 11位患者在238人年期间出现活动性结核病,发病率高达4621 / 100,000人年。 ELISPOT反应阳性的患者的结核病发病率高于ELISPOT反应阴性的患者。但是,这在统计学上并不显着[20%(6/30)对6.02%(5/83),p = 0.052]。 Cox回归分析显示,与结核病进展相关的独立危险因素为CD4〜+ T细胞计数低,结核病治疗史和ELISPOT阳性结果。结核分枝杆菌ELISPOT检测呈阳性的晚期HIV感染患者在结核病中度流行地区发展为结核病的几率更高。



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