首页> 外文期刊>AIDS care. >Sexual behaviour of women living with HIV/AIDS naive for antiretroviral therapy: the ICONA-BEHEPI Study.

Sexual behaviour of women living with HIV/AIDS naive for antiretroviral therapy: the ICONA-BEHEPI Study.

机译:天真地接受抗逆转录病毒治疗的HIV / AIDS妇女的性行为:ICONA-BEHEPI研究。

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This study describes the sexual behaviours of women living with HIV, and assesses differences by history of drug use. Its general aim is to contribute in the design of programmes to help people with HIV/AIDS (PWH/A) adopt and maintain safe sexual behaviours. A self-administered questionnaire on sexual and drug use behaviours was distributed to study participants. Between 1997 and 1999, 573 women with HIV infection naive to antiretroviral therapies completed the questionnaire (of whom 234 reported a history of injection drug use (IDU) and were enrolled in the study. Non-IDU women reported fewer sexual partners, both in their lifetime and in the preceding month, than IDU women: 19% of IDU and 4% of non-IDU women reported more than 25 lifetime sexual partners (p < 0.001). Interestingly, 83% of non-IDU women were infected by their regular partners: these women reported the lowest number of sexual partners. No difference emerged between IDU and non-IDU women in terms of number of sexual intercourse in the two weeks preceding the interview or in terms of condom use in the last intercourse (reported, overall, by 54% of these 573 women). Among women who had sex partners at the time of interview, more non-IDU (65%) than IDU (43%) women reported HIV-positive partners (p < 0.001). Overall, these findings stress a marked heterogeneity in the levels of past and recent sexual promiscuity according to history of drug use. It suggests the need to differentiate and individualize messages about self-protection and behaviours that may prevent further spread of HIV infection.
机译:这项研究描述了感染HIV的女性的性行为,并根据吸毒史评估了差异。它的总体目标是协助设计方案,以帮助艾滋病毒/艾滋病患者(PWH / A)采纳并保持安全的性行为。一份关于性和毒品使用行为的自我管理调查表已分发给研究参与者。在1997年至1999年之间,有573名单纯接受抗逆转录病毒疗法的HIV感染妇女完成了调查问卷(其中234名报告有注射吸毒史(IDU)并参加了该研究。非IDU妇女的性伴侣较少,在她们中一生和上一个月的IDU妇女人数:19%的IDU妇女和4%的非IDU妇女报告其一生中有超过25个性伴侣(p <0.001)。有趣的是,83%的非IDU妇女被其常规感染伴侣:这些女性的性伴侣数量最少。IDU和非IDU妇女在面试前两周的性交次数或最后一次性交中使用安全套方面没有差异(报告的总体,在这573名女性中占54%)。在接受采访时有性伴侣的女性中,非IDU(65%)多于IDU(43%)的女性报告有HIV阳性伴侣(p <0.001)。这些发现强调了过去水平的明显异质性以及根据吸毒史了解最近的性交。它表明有必要区分和个性化关于自我保护和行为的信息,以防止艾滋病毒感染的进一步蔓延。



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