首页> 外文期刊>AIDS care. >Injecting drug users' adherence to HIV antiretroviral treatments: physicians' beliefs.

Injecting drug users' adherence to HIV antiretroviral treatments: physicians' beliefs.


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This paper investigates physicians' judgements about adherence to antiretroviral treatment (ART) among patients who have been HIV-infected through injecting drug use (IDU). Comparisons were made between data collected from physicians at enrollment (January 1996 to January 1998) of a prospective cohort study (MANIF 2000) and self-declarations of 196 HIV-infected injecting drug users (IDUs) who have been prescribed ART. The likelihood of being perceived as 'adherent' by physicians was higher for women, patients of 30 years of age or older, with biological markers indicative of a healthier status, and who were perceived as 'free of injecting behaviour' and not in drug maintenance treatment. Although the proportion of non-adherent patients was similar in physicians' assessment (26.0%) and patients' self-declarations (27.0%), a strong discordance occurred: 60.4% of patients self-reporting non-adherence to ART (80.0% for those receiving a protease inhibitor) were classified as adherent by their prescribing physicians. The study suggests that a priori judgements based on clinical experience but also on social stereotypes interfere with physicians' assessment, and that physicians' decisions to initiate complex treatment regimens may further induce optimistic biases and an underestimation of the problems faced by IDU patients to adequately adhere to them.
机译:本文调查了医生对通过注射吸毒(IDU)感染HIV的患者是否坚持抗逆转录病毒治疗(ART)的判断。在一项前瞻性队列研究(MANIF 2000)入组时(1996年1月至1998年1月),从医生那里收集的数据与196名接受了ART处方的HIV感染注射吸毒者(IDU)的自我声明进行了比较。对于女性,年龄在30岁或30岁以上,具有指示健康状况的生物标志物且被视为“无注射行为”且不从事药物维护的女性,被医生认为是“依从性”的可能性更高治疗。尽管在医生评估中非依从患者的比例(26.0%)和患者自我声明(27.0%)相似,但发生了强烈的不一致:60.4%的患者自我报告不坚持抗逆转录病毒疗法(80.0%那些接受蛋白酶抑制剂的人被其开处方的医生分类为依从性的。该研究表明,基于临床经验以及社会刻板印象的先验判断会干扰医生的评估,并且医生决定采取复杂的治疗方案可能会进一步导致乐观的偏见,并且低估了IDU患者要充分坚持所面临的问题给他们。



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