首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of molecular diagnostics: JMD >Software-Assisted Manual Review of Clinical Next-Generation Sequencing Data An Alternative to Routine Sanger Sequencing Confirmation with Equivalent Results in > 15,000 Germline DNA Screens

Software-Assisted Manual Review of Clinical Next-Generation Sequencing Data An Alternative to Routine Sanger Sequencing Confirmation with Equivalent Results in > 15,000 Germline DNA Screens

机译:软件辅助手动审查临床下一代测序数据,常规Sanger测序确认的替代方案具有相同的结果> 15,000种系DNA屏幕

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Clinical genomic tests increasingly use a next-generation sequencing (NGS) platform due in part to the high fidelity of variant calls, yet rare errors are still possible. In germline DNA screening, failure to correct such errors could have serious consequences for patients, who may follow an unwarranted screening or surgical management path. It has been suggested that routine orthogonal confirmation by Sanger sequencing is required to verify NGS results, especially low-confidence positives with depressed allele fraction ( 15,000 samples. Licensed reviewers manually inspected both raw and processed data at the batch, sample, and variant levels, including raw NGS read pileups. Of ambiguous variant calls with 99%. (n = 1701) as true positives (enriched for long insertions or deletions and homopolymers) or true negatives (often conspicuous NGS artifacts), with the remaining <1% (n = 6) being mosaic. Critically, results from software-assisted manual review and retrospective Sanger sequencing were concordant for samples selected from all ambiguous sites. We conclude that the confirmation required for high confidence in NGS-based germline testing can manifest in different ways; a trained NGS expert operating platform tailored review software achieves quality comparable with routine Sanger confirmation.
机译:临床基因组测试越来越多地使用下一代测序(NGS)平台,部分地分为变体呼叫的高保真度,但仍然可能罕见误差。在种虫DNA筛查中,未能纠正此类错误可能对患者产生严重后果,患者可能遵循无标记的筛选或手术管理路径。有人提出,需要Sanger测序的常规正交确认来验证NGS结果,特别是具有抑制等位基因分数的低置信度呈阳性(15,000个样本。许可的审阅者在批量,样本和变体水平上手动检查原始和加工数据,包括原始的NGS读取堆积。模棱两可的变体呼叫有99%的呼叫。(n = 1701)作为真正的阳性(富集长插入或缺失和均聚物)或真正的否定(通常是显眼的NGS伪影),其余<1%(n = 6)是马赛克。批判性的,软件辅助手动评论和回顾性Sanger测序的结果对于选自所有暧昧地点的样品是协调的。我们得出结论,基于NGS的种系测试所需的确认可以以不同的方式表现出来;训练有素的NGS专家操作平台量身定制的评论软件实现了与常规Sanger确认相当的质量。



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