首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Economic History >Banking on a Religious Divide: Accounting for the Success of the Netherlands' Raiffeisen Cooperatives in the Crisis of the 1920s

Banking on a Religious Divide: Accounting for the Success of the Netherlands' Raiffeisen Cooperatives in the Crisis of the 1920s




This article investigates the impact of the socioreligious segregation of Dutch society on the asset allocation choices of rural bankers and the withdrawal behavior of their depositors during the early 1920s. Results suggest that cooperatively-owned Raiffeisen banks for both Catholic and Protestant minority groups could limit their exposure to a debt-deflation crisis, despite operating more precarious balance sheets than banks for majorities. Business histories demonstrate how strict membership criteria and personal guarantors acted as screening and monitoring devices. Banks serving minorities functioned as club goods, managing their exposure to the crisis by exploiting the confessionalized nature of Dutch society.
机译:本文调查了荷兰社会对农村银行家资产分配选择的影响以及20世纪20年代初期的存款人的撤回行为。 结果表明,尽管经营更多的资产负债表,但少数群体少数民族群体的合作拥有的raiffeisen银行可能会限制他们对债务通货紧缩危机的暴露。 商业历史表明会员标准和个人担保人如何担任筛选和监测设备。 银行向少数群体提供作为俱乐部商品,通过利用荷兰社会的忏悔性质来促进危机。



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