首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Analytical Psychology >SAMUELS, ANDREW (2017) 'The 'Activist Client': social responsibility, the political self, and clinical practice in psychotherapy and psychoanalysis'. Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 27:6, 678-693.

SAMUELS, ANDREW (2017) 'The 'Activist Client': social responsibility, the political self, and clinical practice in psychotherapy and psychoanalysis'. Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 27:6, 678-693.

机译:Samuels,Andrew(2017)'活动家客户':社会责任,心理治疗和精神分析中的政治自我和临床实践'。 精神分析对话,27:6,678-693。

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In 2017, Psychoanalytic Dialogues published the article by Andrew Samuels entitled 'The 'Activist Client': Social Responsibility, the Political Self, and Clinical Practice in Psychotherapy and Psychoanalysis'. Following the journal's tradition, this article was commented on by two colleagues: Susan Bodnar ('Hamilton: The 'Activist Client' is no longer an academic exercise'. Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 27:6, 694-702), and Philip Cushman ('The politics of language: a discussion of Andrew Samuels' 'The 'Activist Client". Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 27:6, 703-711). Samuels then replied to these two responses in a further article, which appeared in the same issue of Psychoanalytic Dialogues ('Working together, we get the job done: responses to Susan Bodnar and Philip Cushman'. Psychoanalytic Dialogues, 27:6, 712-718). What follows is a brief summary of this interesting discussion.
机译:2017年,精神分析对话发表了安德鲁萨缪尔斯的文章,题为“活动家客户”:社会责任,心理治疗和精神分析的政治自我和临床实践。 遵循日记的传统,这篇文章由两个同事评论:苏珊博纳尔('汉密尔顿:“活动家客户'不再是学术练习'。精神分析对话,27:6,694-702)和菲利普Cushman(' 语言的政治:Andrew Samuels''Activist Client的讨论。精神分析对话,27:6,703-711)。然后Samuels在另一个文章中回复了这两个响应,它出现在同一问题上的心理分析中 对话(“共同努力,我们完成工作:对苏珊博纳尔和菲利普Cushman的回应。精神分析对话,27:6,712-718)。遵循的是这个有趣的讨论的简要概述。



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