首页> 外文期刊>The Journal of Analytical Psychology >Jungian theory of dreaming and contemporary dream research - findings from the research project 'Structural Dream Analysis'

Jungian theory of dreaming and contemporary dream research - findings from the research project 'Structural Dream Analysis'

机译:JUNGIAN梦想理论与当代梦想研究 - 研究项目“结构梦想分析”的研究结果

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The research method 'Structural Dream Analysis' (SDA) is described which allows for systematic and objective analysis of the meaning of dreams produced by patients in Jungian psychotherapies. The method focuses especially on the relationship between the dream ego and other figures in the dream and the extent of activity of the dream ego. Five major dream patterns were identified which accounted for the majority of the dreams. The clients' dream series were dominated by one or two repetitive patterns which were closely connected to the psychological problems of the dreamers. Additionally, typical changes in the dream series' patterns could be identified which corresponded with therapeutic change. These findings support Jung's theory of dreams as providing a holistic image of the dreamer's psyche, including unconscious aspects. The implications for different psychoanalytic theories of dreaming and dream interpretation are discussed as well as implications for the continuity hypothesis.
机译:研究方法“结构梦想分析”(SDA)被描述为允许对Jungian心理治疗患者产生的梦想的意义进行系统和客观分析。 该方法尤其侧重于梦想自我与梦中的其他数据与梦想自我的活动的关系。 确定了五种主要梦想模式,这占了大多数梦想。 客户的梦想系列由一个或两种重复模式主导,这与梦想家的心理问题密切相关。 另外,可以识别梦想系列的模式的典型变化,其与治疗变化相对应。 这些调查结果支持Jung的梦想理论,因为提供了梦想家心灵的整体形象,包括无意识的方面。 讨论了对不同精神分析理论的影响以及对连续性假设的影响以及对连续性假设的影响。



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