首页> 外文期刊>The Canadian Entomologist >A new species of Contarinia Rondani (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) that induces flower galls on canola (Brassicaceae) in the Canadian prairies

A new species of Contarinia Rondani (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) that induces flower galls on canola (Brassicaceae) in the Canadian prairies

机译:一种新的Contarinia Rondani(Diptera:Cecidomyiidae),诱导花胆在加拿大大草原(Brassicaceae)上的花胆

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A new species, Contarinia brassicola Sinclair (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), which induces flower galls on canola (Brassica napus Linnaeus and Brassica rapa Linnaeus (Brassicaceae)), is described from Saskatchewan and Alberta, Canada. Larvae develop in the flowers of canola, which causes swelling and prevents opening, pod formation, and seed set. Mature larvae exit the galls, fall to the soil, and form cocoons. Depending on conditions, larvae will either pupate and eclose in the same calendar year or enter facultative diapause and emerge the following year. At least two generations of C. brassicola occur each year. Adults emerge from overwintering cocoons in the spring and lay eggs on developing canola flower buds. The galls produced by C. brassicola were previously attributed to the swede midge, Contarinia nasturtii (Kieffer) in Saskatchewan; here, we compare and list several characters to differentiate the two species.
机译:Contarinia Brassicola Sinclair(Diptera:Cecidomyiidae),诱导花胆胆(Barassica Napus Linnaeus和Brassicaceae),由加拿大萨斯喀彻温省和艾伯塔省描述。 幼虫在油菜籽中发展,导致肿胀并防止开口,豆荚形成和种子套装。 成熟的幼虫出口胆汁,落到土壤,形成茧。 根据条件,幼虫将在同一日历年内蛹化,或者进入兼职延展,并逐步出现。 每年至少发生两代C. Brassicola。 成年人从春天的绵延茧中出现,并在开发油菜花芽上放置鸡蛋。 C. Brassicola生产的胆汁之前曾归因于萨斯喀彻温省瑞典米德格(Kiefia Nasturtii(Kieffer); 在这里,我们比较并列出几个字符来区分两个物种。



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