
Fast radio bursts




The discovery of radio pulsars over a half century agowas a seminal moment in astronomy. It demonstrated the existence of neutron stars, gave a powerful observational tool to study them, and has allowed us to probe strong gravity, dense matter, and the interstellar medium. More recently, pulsar surveys have led to the serendipitous discovery of fast radio bursts (FRBs). While FRBs appear similar to the individual pulses from pulsars, their large dispersive delays suggest that they originate from far outside the Milky Way and hence are many orders-of-magnitude more luminous. While most FRBs appear to be one-off, perhaps cataclysmic events, two sources are now known to repeat and thus clearly have a longer lived central engine. Beyond understanding how they are created, there is also the prospect of using FRBs-as with pulsars-to probe the extremes of the Universe as well as the otherwise invisible intervening medium. Such studies will be aided by the high-implied all-sky event rate: there is a detectable FRB roughly once every minute occurring somewhere on the sky. The fact that less than a hundredFRBsources have been discovered in the last decade is largely due to the small fields-of-viewof current radio telescopes.Anewgeneration ofwide-field instruments is now coming online, however, and these will be capable of detecting multiple FRBs per day.We are thus on the brink of further breakthroughs in the short-duration radio transient phase space, which will be critical for differentiating between themany proposed theories for the origin of FRBs. In this review, we give an observational and theoretical introduction at a level that is accessible to astronomers entering the field.
机译:半世纪半世纪的无线电脉冲条件发现了天文学的一个精彩时刻。它证明了中子恒星的存在,给出了一个强大的观测工具来研究它们,并让我们探测强大的重力,致密物质和星际介质。最近,Pulsar调查导致了快速无线电突发(FRB)的Serentipitous发现。虽然FRBS与来自脉冲尔的各个脉冲类似,但它们的大型分散延迟表明它们从银河系外部源于远外,因此是许多级别的发光。虽然大多数FRB似乎是一次性的,但也许灾难性的事件,现在已知两个来源重复,因此显然有更长的中央发动机。除了了解如何创建它们,还有使用FRBS的前景 - 与Pulsars一样 - 以探测宇宙的极端和否则看不见的中间介质。这些研究将由高隐含的全天活动率辅助:在天空中的某个地方发生一次,大致有一个可检测的FRB。在过去的十年中发现了少于一百个Frbs的事实主要是由于当前无线电望远镜的小视野。然而,WIDE-Field icontruments现在可以在线即将来临,这些仪器能够检测多个FRB因此,每天都是在短时间无线电瞬态相位空间中进一步突破的边缘,这对于区分FRB的起源来说,这将是关键的。在这篇综述中,我们在进入该领域的天文学家可以访问的水平下给出一个观察和理论介绍。



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