首页> 外文期刊>Urban Forestry & Urban Greening >The overlooked carbon loss due to decayed wood in urban trees

The overlooked carbon loss due to decayed wood in urban trees


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Decayed wood is a common issue in urban trees that deteriorates tree vitality over time, yet its effect on biomass yield therefore stored carbon has been overlooked. We mapped the occurrence and calculated the extent of decayed wood in standing Ulmus procera, Platanus x acerifolia and Corymbia maculata trees. The main stem of 43 trees was measured every metre from the ground to the top by two skilled arborists. All trees were micro-drilled in two to four axes at three points along the stem (0.3 m, 1.3 m, 2.3 m), and at the tree's live crown. A total of 300 drilling profiles were assessed for decay. Simple linear regression analysis tested the correlation of decayed wood (cm(2)) against a vitality index and stem DBH. Decay was more frequent and extensive in U. procera, than P. acerifolia and least in C. maculata. Decay was found to be distributed in three different ways in the three different genera. For U. procera, decay did appear to be distributed as a column from the base to the live crown; whereas, decay was distributed as a cone-shape in P. acerifolia and was less likely to be located beyond 2.3 m. In C. maculata decay was distributed as pockets of variable shape and size. The vitality index showed a weak but not significant correlation with the proportion of decayed wood for P. acerifolia and C. maculata but not for U. procera. However, in U. procera, a strong and significant relationship was found between DBH and stem volume loss (R-2 = 0.8006, P = 0.0046, n = 15). The actual volume loss ranged from 0.17 to 0.75 m(3), equivalent to 5%-25% of the stem volume. The carbon loss due to decayed wood for all species ranged between 69-110 kg per tree. Based on model's calculation, the stem volume of U. procera trees with DBH &= 40 cm needs to be discounted by a factor of 13% due to decayed wood regardless of the vitality index. Decayed wood reduces significantly the tree's standing volume and needs to be considered to better assess the carbon storage potential of urban forests.
机译:腐朽的木材是城市树木的一个常见问题,随着时间的推移恶化树木生命力,但其对生物质产量的影响已被忽视。我们映射了常设Ulmus procera,Platanus x Acerifolia和Corymbia Maculata树的腐烂木材的程度。通过两个熟练的树丛师从地面到顶部测量43棵树43棵树的主干。所有树木在沿杆(0.3米,1.3米,2.3米)和树的活冠上以三点分为两到四个轴。共评估300种钻孔型材以进行腐烂。简单的线性回归分析测试了衰减木材(CM(2))对生命力指数和茎DBH的相关性。腐烂在U. procera比p.acerifolia和至少在C. Maculata中更频繁和广泛。发现衰减在三种不同的属中以三种不同的方式分发。对于U. Procera,衰减确实似乎作为从基地到现场表冠的列分发给了;然而,衰变作为P.Acerifolia的锥形分布,并且不太可能位于2.3米以上。在C. Maculata衰减作为可变形状和大小的口袋分配。活力指数与P.Acerifolia和C. Maculata的腐烂木材的比例显示出弱但没有显着的相关性,但不适用于U. Procera。然而,在U.Procera,DBH和茎体积损失(R-2 = 0.8006,P = 0.0046,N = 15)之间发现了强烈而显着的关系。实际体积损耗范围为0.17至0.75米(3),相当于茎体积的5%-25%。由于所有物种的腐烂木材导致的碳损失在每棵树69-110千克之间。基于模型的计算,U. Procera树的茎体积与DBH& = 40厘米需要折扣,由于腐烂的木材,无论生命力指数如何,由于腐烂的木材。腐烂的木材显着降低树的常设量,需要考虑更好地评估城市森林的碳储存潜力。



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