首页> 外文期刊>Quaternary Science Reviews: The International Multidisciplinary Review Journal >Oceanic heat pulses fueling moisture transport towards continental Europe across the mid-Pleistocene transition

Oceanic heat pulses fueling moisture transport towards continental Europe across the mid-Pleistocene transition


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AbstractThe mid-Pleistocene Transition (MPT; approx. 1.2–0.7 Ma), is characterized by growing Northern Hemisphere ice sheets and the shift from a 41 kyr to a 100 kyr glacial-interglacial cyclicity. Concomitant to the growth of large ice sheets, atmospheric and oceanic circulation pattern have changed. One key feature of the North Atlantic is the wind-driven Subtropical Gyre, a major provider of heat and moisture for continental Europe. Here, we investigate changes in the strength and spatial configuration of the Subtropical Gyre during the MPT and its impact on the continental moisture balance.To reconstruct Subtropical Gyre dynamics, we conducted paired δ18O and Mg/Ca analyses on the deep-dwelling foraminiferaGloborotalia inflatafrom Iberian Margin Site U1385 yielding thermocline temperature (Ttherm) variability between 1400 and 500 ka at the eastern boundary of the Subtropical Gyre.Long-term trends of Tthermat Site U1385 oppose the North Atlantic climatic evolution of progressively intensified glacials during the MPT. Particularly, glacials MIS 20 and 18 were marked by warm thermocline waters off Iberia. We infer that a southward shift of the (sub)polar front displaced the source region of thermocline waters within the Subtropical Gyre from high to mid-latitudes. In addition, a strong Mediterranean Outflow Water production during the MPT caused the advection of warm waters to Iberia. Humid conditions during MIS 20 and 18 in SE Europe
机译:<![CDATA [ 抽象 中间更新世的转换(MPT;约1.2-0.7 mA),其特点是北半球北半球从41 kyr到100kyr冰川间峡囊状度的床单和偏移。伴随着大型冰盖的生长,大气和海洋循环模式发生了变化。北大西洋的一个关键特征是风力驱动的亚热带Gyre,欧洲大陆的主要供应商的热量和水分。在这里,我们调查MPT期间亚热带陀螺仪的强度和空间配置的变化及其对大陆水分平衡的影响。 18> 18 o和mg / ca分析在深处的foraminifera globorotalia inflata 来自伊比利亚山脉的Iberian Ramin Site U1385​​屈服热量温度(T THEM )在亚热带型孢子的东部边界的1400和500 ka之间的可变性。 t therm 在现场U1385​​反对北大西大西洋气候演变在MPT期间逐步加剧冰川。特别是,冰川MIS 20和18由伊比利亚的温暖的热湿润水域标记。我们推出(亚)极性前部的南方偏移使亚热带的热水水域内的源区从高到中等纬度。此外,在MPT期间强大的地中海流出水生产导致温暖的水对伊比利亚的平流。 MES 20和18在SE欧洲的潮湿条件



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