首页> 外文期刊>Ultrasound in obstetrics & gynecology: the official journal of the International Society of Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology >Comparison of brain microstructure after prenatal spina bifida repair by either laparotomy‐assisted fetoscopic or open approach

Comparison of brain microstructure after prenatal spina bifida repair by either laparotomy‐assisted fetoscopic or open approach


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ABSTRACT Objective To compare prenatal and postnatal brain microstructure between infants that underwent fetoscopic myelomeningocele (MMC) repair and those that had open‐hysterotomy repair. Methods This was a longitudinal retrospective cohort study of 57 fetuses that met the Management of Myelomeningocele Study (MOMS) trial criteria and underwent prenatal MMC repair, by a fetoscopic ( n ?=?27) or open‐hysterotomy ( n ?=?30) approach, at 21.4–25.9?weeks' gestation. Fetoscopic repair was performed under CO 2 insufflation, according to our protocol. Diffusion‐weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed before surgery in 30 cases (14 fetoscopic and 16 open), at 6?weeks postsurgery in 48 cases (24 fetoscopic and 24 open) and within the first year after birth in 23 infants (five fetoscopic and 18 open). Apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values from the basal ganglia, frontal, occipital and parietal lobes, mesencephalon and genu as well as splenium of the corpus callosum were calculated. ADC values at each of the three timepoints (presurgery, 6?weeks postsurgery and postnatally) and the percentage change in the ADC values between the timepoints were compared between the fetoscopic‐repair and open‐repair groups. ADC values at 6?weeks after surgery in the two prenatally repaired groups were compared with those in a control group of eight healthy fetuses that underwent MRI at a similar gestational age (GA). Comparison of ADC values was performed using the Student's t ‐test for independent samples (or Mann–Whitney U ‐test if non‐normally distributed) and multivariate general linear model analysis, adjusting for GA or age at MRI and mean ventricular width. Results There were no differences in GA at surgery or GA/postnatal age at MRI between the groups. No significant differences were observed in ADC values in any of the brain areas assessed between the open‐repair and fetoscopic‐repair groups at 6?weeks after surgery and in the first year after birth. No differences were detected in the ADC values of the studied areas between the control and prenatally repaired groups, except for significantly increased ADC values in the genu of the corpus callosum in the open‐hysterotomy and fetoscopic‐repair groups. Additionally, there were no differences between the two prenatally repaired groups in the percentage change in ADC values at any of the time intervals analyzed. Conclusions Fetoscopic MMC repair has no detectable effect on brain microstructure when compared to babies repaired using an open‐hysterotomy technique. CO 2 insufflation of the uterine cavity during fetoscopy does not seem to have any isolated deleterious effects on fetal brain microstructure. Copyright ? 2019 ISUOG. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
机译:摘要目的比较胎儿骨髓细胞(MMC)修复(MMC)修复的婴儿的产前和产前脑显微组织。方法这是纵向回顾性队列的57胎儿,符合骨髓细胞研究(MOMS)试验标准和经历产前MMC修复的纵向胎儿,通过胎儿(n?=Δ27)或开放血症术(n?=?30)接近,在21.4-25.9?周的妊娠。根据我们的协议,在CO 2吹气下进行胎儿修复。扩散加权磁共振成像(MRI)在手术前进行30例(14个胎儿镜和16个开放),在48例(24例胎儿和24例)和23个婴儿出生后的第一年内(五个胎儿和18个开放)。计算来自基底神经节,前部,枕骨和椎管裂片,中脑和牙瓣的表观扩散系数(ADC)值。在胎儿修复和开放修复组之间比较了三个时间点(预校验,6?3周)的ADC值(预训练,6?3周)和时间点之间的ADC值的百分比变化。在6岁的情况下,在两种预修复的基团中术后的6个时间,与八个健康胎儿的对照组的患者进行比较,该胎儿在类似的妊娠年龄(GA)下进行MRI。使用学生的T -TEST进行ADC值的比较,用于独立样品(或如果非正常分布的MANN-WHITNEY U -TEST)和多变量一般线性模型分析,调整MRI和均值的GA或年龄和均值腔宽度。结果在组之间的手术或MRI之间的手术或GA /产后年龄没有差异。在术后6岁的时间和出生后的第一年,在开放式修复和胎面修复群之间评估的任何大脑区域中,在任何大脑区域中观察到任何大脑区域中的疾病差异没有显着差异。在对照和预先修复的组之间的研究区域的ADC值中没有检测到差异,除了在开放式血清术和胎儿修复组中的语料库胼um胼calloSum中显着增加的ADC值。另外,在分析的任何时间间隔的ADC值中的两个预修复的组之间没有差异。结论与使用开放式循环系统技术修复的婴儿相比,胎儿MMC修复对脑显微结构没有可检测的影响。 CO 2在胎镜期间尿素腔的吹入似乎对胎儿脑微观结构的含有孤立的有害作用似乎没有任何孤立的有害作用。版权? 2019年宇。 John Wiley&amp出版; SONS LTD.



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