首页> 外文期刊>Psycho-Oncology: Journal of the Psychological Social and Behavioral Dimensions of Cancer >Linking dispositional mindfulness and positive psychological processes in cancer survivorship: a multivariate path analytic test of the mindfulness‐to‐meaning theory

Linking dispositional mindfulness and positive psychological processes in cancer survivorship: a multivariate path analytic test of the mindfulness‐to‐meaning theory


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Abstract Background Research indicates that dispositional mindfulness is associated with positive psychological functioning. Although this disposition has been linked with beneficial outcomes in the broader mental health literature, less is known about dispositional mindfulness in cancer survivors and how it may be linked with indices of psychological and physical health relevant to cancer survivorship. Methods We conducted a multivariate path analysis of data from a heterogeneous sample of cancer patients ( N ?=?97) to test the Mindfulness‐to‐Meaning Theory , an extended process model of emotion regulation linking dispositional mindfulness with cancer‐related quality of life via positive psychological processes. Results We found that patients endorsing higher levels of dispositional mindfulness were more likely to pay attention to positive experiences ( β ?=?.56), a tendency which was associated with positive reappraisal of stressful life events ( β ?=?.51). Patients who engaged in more frequent positive reappraisal had a greater sense of meaning in life ( β ?=?.43) and tended to savor rewarding or life affirming events ( β ?=?.50). In turn, those who engaged in high levels of savoring had better quality of life ( β ?=?.33) and suffered less from emotional distress ( β ?=??.54). Conclusions Findings provide support for the Mindfulness‐to‐Meaning Theory and help explicate the processes by which mindfulness promotes psychological flourishing in the face of cancer. Implications for Cancer Survivorship Cancer survivors may benefit from enhancing mindfulness, reappraisal, and savoring. Copyright ? 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
机译:摘要背景研究表明,处置思想与积极的心理功能有关。虽然这种处置已与更广泛的心理健康文献中的有益结果有关,但较少是关于癌症幸存者的令人讨厌的态度,以及如何与与癌症生存疾病相关的心理和身体健康指数相关联。方法对来自癌症患者的异质样本进行的数据进行多变量路径分析(N?=?97),以测试心灵的意义理论,这是一种与癌症相关的癌症态度的延长过程模型。与癌症有关的生活质量通过积极的心理过程。结果我们发现,患者衡改更高水平的肢解性的患者更有可能注意积极的经历(β?= 56),这种趋势与压力生命事件的阳性重新评估有关(β?= 51)。从事更频繁的阳性重新评估的患者在生活中具有更大的意义(β?= ?.33),并倾向于品尝奖励或寿命肯定事件(β?= ?. 50)。反过来,那些从事高水平品味的人具有更好的生活质量(β?= 33),从情绪困扰中遭受的较少(β?= ?? 54)。结论调查结果为致力于意义的理论提供了支持,并帮助阐述正念在癌症面前促进心理蓬勃发展的过程。对癌症生存癌症幸存者的影响可能会受益于提高思维,重新评估和品味。版权? 2016年John Wiley& SONS,LTD.



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