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Talk to Me, Not at Me: An Ethnographic Study on Health-Related Help-Seeking Behavior Among Socially Marginalized Danish Men


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Research shows that men tend to have delayed health-related help-seeking behavior. In this ethnographic study, we explored influential factors related to health-related help-seeking behavior among socially marginalized men who seem not to benefit from existing municipal health care services in a large Danish municipality. The study included 200 hours of participant observations and 25 ethnographic interviews with men between 45 and 65 years of age in their own homes and in public parks among their peers. In this study, we found that the men had several complex and interacting social- and health-related conditions, which seemed to affect their health-related help-seeking behavior. We conclude that collaborative initiatives between the outreach team who occasionally visits bench sites in the public parks and the municipal health care services in the local areas could lay the groundwork for encouraging men’s health-related help-seeking behavior and aid men in supporting each other.
机译:研究表明,男人往往会延迟健康相关的帮助寻求行为。 在这项民族造理研究中,我们探讨了与社会边缘化男性之间与健康有关的帮助行为有关的有影响力因素,这些因素在社会边缘化的男性中似乎不会从大型丹麦自治市中受益于现有的市政医疗保健服务。 该研究包括200小时的参与者观察和25个民族造影,在他们自己的房屋和公共公园之间的45至65岁之间的男性。 在这项研究中,我们发现,这些人有几个复杂和互动的社会和健康状况,似乎影响了他们与健康有关的帮助寻求行为。 我们得出结论,偶尔访问公共场所和市政卫生保健服务的外联队之间的合作举措可以为鼓励男子健康有关的帮助行为和援助人们互相支持的基础,奠定基础。



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