首页> 外文期刊>Psychiatric services: a journal of the American Psychiatric Association >Caring for Families Separated by Changing Immigration Policies and Enforcement: A Cultural Psychiatry Perspective

Caring for Families Separated by Changing Immigration Policies and Enforcement: A Cultural Psychiatry Perspective


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Recent changes in U.S. immigration policies and enforcement have precipitated a 300% rise in arrests and planned deportations. Although some family members face deportation, other family members may have state-sanctioned status. Such mixed status puts hundreds of thousands of families at risk of forced separation and associated mental health problems. Building on cross-cultural work with refugee families and other groups and on work with families separated by parental incarceration, the authors provide recommendations to guide clinicians working with families who are separated or who fear separation. Mental health problems among separated families can in part be addressed through identifying the origins of distress, elucidating family structures and roles, strengthening communication practices, linking with legal and economic resources, and facilitating decision making through distress reduction.
机译:美国移民政策和执法的最新变革促使逮捕和计划驱逐幅度增加300%。 虽然一些家庭成员面临驱逐出境,但其他家庭成员可能有国家制裁的地位。 这种混合状况将数十万名受到强迫分离和相关心理健康问题的风险。 建立与难民家庭和其他团体的跨文化工作以及与家长监禁分开的家庭的工作,提供建议,以指导与分居或恐惧分离的家庭合作的临床医生。 分离家庭中的心理健康问题可以通过确定遇险的起源,阐明家庭结构和角色,加强沟通实践,与法律和经济资源的关系,并通过陷入困境的决策来解决。



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