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Psychiatric Mental Health Nursing Advanced Practice Workforce: Capacity to Address Shortages of Mental Health Professionals


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There is a recognized shortage of mental health professionals licensed to provide the full scope of mental health services, including assessment, diagnosis, and prescribing. Psychiatric mental health advanced practice nurses (PMH APNs) have the education and licensure to provide these services, address provider shortages and increase access to services. Unfortunately, federal reports and mental health workforce studies inaccurately depict important characteristics of PMH APNs, particularly their scope of practice, a situation that creates misunderstanding and impedes workforce planning. This Open Forum provides an accurate depiction of the PMHAPN workforce, its size, scope of practice, and its capacity to increase access to mental health services. Also considered are the implications of using integrated care to increase access to mental health treatment. PMH APNs could increase the reach of these collaborative care models, which require constructing interprofessional teams in which each provider practices to the top of his or her license.
机译:许可的心理健康专业人员缺乏许可,以提供全面的心理健康服务范围,包括评估,诊断和处方。精神病心理健康先进的实践护士(PMH APNS)拥有教育和许可,以提供这些服务,地址提供商短缺和增加服务。不幸的是,联邦报告和精神卫生劳动力研究旨在描述PMH APNS的重要特征,特别是其实践范围,这一情况会产生误解和阻碍劳动力规划。该开放论坛提供了对PMHAPN劳动力,其规模,实践范围的准确描述,以及增加对心理健康服务的能力的能力。还考虑了使用综合护理来增加对心理健康治疗的影响的影响。 PMH APN可以增加这些协作护理模型的范围,这需要构建每个提供商对其许可证的各种提供者的辩论队伍。



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