首页> 外文期刊>Psychological science: a journal of the American Psychological Society >Facial Width-to-Height Ratio Does Not Predict Self-Reported Behavioral Tendencies

Facial Width-to-Height Ratio Does Not Predict Self-Reported Behavioral Tendencies


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A growing number of studies have linked facial width-to-height ratio (fWHR) with various antisocial or violent behavioral tendencies. However, those studies have predominantly been laboratory based and low powered. This work reexamined the links between fWHR and behavioral tendencies in a large sample of 137,163 participants. Behavioral tendencies were measured using 55 well-established psychometric scales, including self-report scales measuring intelligence, domains and facets of the five-factor model of personality, impulsiveness, sense of fairness, sensational interests, self-monitoring, impression management, and satisfaction with life. The findings revealed that fWHR is not substantially linked with any of these self-reported measures of behavioral tendencies, calling into question whether the links between fWHR and behavior generalize beyond the small samples and specific experimental settings that have been used in past fWHR research.
机译:越来越多的研究具有与各种反社会或暴力行为倾向的面部宽度与高度比(FWHR)联系起来。 然而,这些研究主要是基于实验室和低功耗的。 这项工作重新审视了在137,163名参与者的大型样本中的FWHR和行为倾向之间的链接。 使用55种良好的心理测量尺度测量行为倾向,包括自我报告尺度测量智能,域和平面的个性,冲动,公平感,耸人听闻,自我监测,印象管理和满足感的五因素模型 与生活。 结果表明,FWHR与这些自我报告的行为趋势措施没有基本相关联,呼吁关于FWHR和行为之间的链接超出过去FWHR研究中使用的小样本和特定的实验设置。



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