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Management of wheat crop sown with Happy Seeder


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Wheat crop is sown with Happy Seeder in standing rice stubbles after the harvest of rice crop with combine harvesters, fitted with Super Straw Management System (SMS). This spreads the chopped rice residue uniformly on the soil surface. This practiceof sowing wheat is entirely different from conventional method of sowing wheat, which is usually done either by removing straw or after partial or complete burning of rice straw. Since NGT (National Green Tribunal) has imposed a ban on the burning of rice straw, sowing of wheat using Happy Seeder seems to be the best alternative for wheat sowing without burning rice straw. Huge funds have also been provided to disburse subsidy to the farmers or groups or societies for the purchase of Happy Seeder to promote sowing of wheat without burning rice straw. Technically, this technology is environment friendly and improves productivity and soil health after continuous use for three years.
机译:小麦作物与愉快的播种机播种在母鸡收获后的稻米茬,结合收割机,配有超级秸秆管理系统(短信)。 这均匀地将切碎的水稻残留物均匀地在土壤表面上铺平。 这种播种小麦的做法与播种小麦的常规方法完全不同,这通常通过去除稻草或部分或完全燃烧稻草之后进行。 由于NGT(国家绿色法庭)禁止禁止稻草焚烧,播种小麦使用幸福的播种机似乎是小麦播种而不燃烧稻草的最佳选择。 巨额资金也被提供为剥夺对农民或团体或社会的补贴,以便购买快乐的播种机,促进播种小麦而不燃烧稻草。 从技术上讲,这种技术是环保的,在连续使用三年后提高生产力和土壤健康。



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