首页> 外文期刊>Progress in Plant Protection >Occurrence of entomopathogenic fungi in populations of Rhopalosiphum padi (L.) aphids feeding on primary and secondary host plants

Occurrence of entomopathogenic fungi in populations of Rhopalosiphum padi (L.) aphids feeding on primary and secondary host plants


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The dynamics of the bird cherry-oat aphid Rhopalosiphum padi (L.) on the primary host in 2007-2009 was characterized by a rapid increase in the first half of May and a sharp decline in the population in the second half of this month. The autumn remigration of R. padi on the primary host, began in the first decade of September, and the most gender morphs of aphids were found in the second decade of September. No fungal infections were found among the founders of the R. padi on bird cherry in spring whereas in thefundatrigeniae populations, three species of entomopathogenic fungi were recorded: Conidiobolus obscurus, Entomophthora planchoniana and Pandora neoaphidis. Autumn observations revealed that the infections occurring in the populations of R. padi were caused by the same three entomophthoralean fungal species, and additionally by Neozygitesfresenii. During the feeding of R. padi on cereals, the presence of the four aforementioned entomophthoralean fungi (Entomophthoromycota) and Lecanicilliummuscarium, representing the anemorphs of hypocrealean Ascomycota, was recorded.
机译:2007 - 2009年鸟樱桃燕麦蚜虫的动态在2007 - 2009年的主要宿主上的特点是,本月下半年的5月上半年的速度迅速增加,并且人口急剧下降。 R. Padi对主要主持人的秋季登记开始于9月的第一个十年,并在9月的第二十年中发现了蚜虫的大多数性别晶实。在春天的鸟樱桃的创始人中没有发现真菌感染,而在菲尼德替尼亚岛种群中,记录了三种昆虫疗法真菌:肠道毒蛇,昆虫噻吩突然植物,敌人的血红蛋子和潘多拉新生儿。秋季观测显示,在R. PADI群体中发生的感染是由相同的三种诱发血红素真菌物种引起的,并且另外由NeozygitesFesenII引起。在谷物上喂养R. padi期间,记录了代表诸如雌性雀核炎的症状的四个上述鼻咽睾丸的存在(鼻咽至孢子酰基)和lecanicilliummuscarium。



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