首页> 外文期刊>Preventive Medicine: An International Journal Devoted to Practice and Theory >Response to Bharmal et al. 'The association of religiosity with overweight/obese body mass index among Asian Indian immigrants in California'

Response to Bharmal et al. 'The association of religiosity with overweight/obese body mass index among Asian Indian immigrants in California'

机译:回应Bharmal等。 “加州亚洲印度移民的超重/肥胖体重指数的宗教信仰协会”

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Bharmal et al. are to be commended for studying how religiosity may impact health measures (Bharmal et al., 2013), but we were surprised at one of the speculative and factually incorrect statements in their article's discussion. The authors rightly note that highly religious Muslims often abstain from alcohol, but then claim that Hindus and Sikhs drink heavily during religious and social gatherings. We are curious as to a citation for this statement, or if it is a presentation of original research. It contradicts both foundational Hindu teachings proscribing meat and alcohol during religious gatherings as well as actual temple practice (see, for example, the rental policy at two major Hindu temples: http://www.sunnyvale-hindutemple. org/pdf/rentaLapplication.pdf and http://livermoretemple.org/hints/ content/html/Assembly_hall_Rental_Agreement.pdf, both retrieved July 23, 2013.)
机译:Bharmal等。 应当是为了研究宗教系统可能影响健康措施(Bharmal等,2013),但我们在文章讨论中对投机和事实不正确的陈述之一感到惊讶。 作者正确地注意到,高度宗教的穆斯林经常避免酒精,但随后声称在宗教和社交聚会中印度教徒和锡克斯潜入严重的饮酒。 我们对这一陈述的引用感到好奇,或者是它是原始研究的介绍。 它违背了基础印度教的教导在宗教集会和实际的寺庙练习期间禁止肉类和酒精(例如,参见两个主要的印度教寺庙的租赁政策:http://www.sunnyvale-hindutemple。org / pdf / rutalpation。 PDF和http://livermoretemple.org/hints/ content / html / sommert_hall_rental_agreement.pdf,均检索到2013年7月23日。)



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