首页> 外文期刊>Agroforestry Systems >Potential of improved fallows to increase household and regional fuelwood supply: evidence from western Kenya

Potential of improved fallows to increase household and regional fuelwood supply: evidence from western Kenya


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Fuelwood is the main energy source for households in rural Africa, but its supply is rapidly declining especially in the densely populated areas. Short duration planted tree fallows, an agroforestry technology widely promoted in sub-Sahara Africa for soil fertility improvement may offer some remedy. Our objective was to determine the fuelwood production potential of 6, 12 and 18 months (the common fallow rotation periods) old Crotalaria grahamiana, Crotalaria paulina, Tephrosia vogelli and Tephrosia candida fallows under farmer-managed conditions in western Kenya. Based on plot-level yields, we estimated the extent to which these tree fallows would meet household and sub-national fuelwood needs if farmers planted at least 0.25 hectares, the proportion of land that is typically left under natural fallows by farmers in the region. Fuelwood yield was affected significantly (P < 0.05) by the interaction between species and fallow duration. Among the 6-month-old fallows, T. candida produced the highest fuelwood (8.9 t hap#), compared with the rest that produced between 5.6 and 6.2 t hap#. Twelve months old T. candida and C. paulina also produced significantly higher fuelwood yield (average, 9.6 t hap#) than T. vogelli and C. grahamiana of the same age. Between the fallow durations, the 18-month fallows produced the most fuelwood among the species evaluated, averaging 14.7 t hap#. This was 2-3 times higher than the average yields of 6 and 12-month-old fallows whose yields were not significantly different. The actual fuelwood harvested from the plots that were planted to improved fallows (which ranged from 0.01 to 0.08 ha) would last a typical household between 11.8 and 124.8 days depending on the species and fallow duration. This would increase to 268.5 (0.7 years) and 1173.7 days (0.7-3.2 years) if farmers were to increase area planted to 0.25 ha. Farmers typically planted the fallows at high stand densities (over 100,000 plants hap# on average) in order to maximize their benefits of improving soil fertility and providing fuelwood at the same time. This potential could be increased if more land (which fortunately exists) was planted to the fallows within the farms in the region. The research and development needs for this to happen at the desired scale are highlighted in the paper.
机译:薪材是非洲农村地区家庭的主要能源,但其供应量迅速下降,尤其是在人口稠密地区。短期种植的树木休耕是撒哈拉以南非洲为改善土壤肥力而广泛推广的一种农林业技术,可能会提供一些补救措施。我们的目标是确定肯尼亚西部农民管理下的6个月,12个月和18个月(常见的休耕轮换期)老猪屎豆,猪屎豆,伏牛藤和念珠菌休耕地的薪柴生产潜力。根据地块级产量,我们估算了如果农民种植至少0.25公顷(该地区农民通常留给自然休耕的土地的比例),这些休闲树将满足家庭和国家以下薪材的需求。薪材产量与休耕时间之间的相互作用显着影响(P <0.05)。在6个月大的休耕期中,念珠菌的薪柴最高(8.9 t hap#),而其余的则介于5.6和6.2 t hap#之间。与相同年龄的T. vogelli和C. grahamiana相比,十二个月大的T. candida和C. paulina的薪材产量也高得多(平均9.6 t hap#)。在休耕期之间,在所评估的物种中,18个月的休耕所产生的薪柴最多,平均每公顷14.7吨。这是6个月和12个月大农作物的平均产量的2-3倍,后者的产量没有显着差异。从种植到改善休耕地(范围从0.01到0.08公顷)的土地上收获的实际薪材将持续一个典型的家庭11.8到124.8天,具体取决于物种和休耕时间。如果农民要将播种面积增加到0.25公顷,则将增加到268.5(0.7年)和1173.7天(0.7-3.2年)。农民通常以高的林分密度(平均超过100,000株)种植休耕草,以最大程度地提高他们在改善土壤肥力和同时提供薪柴方面的利益。如果在该地区农场内的休耕地上种植更多的土地(幸运的是存在),则可以增加这种潜力。本文强调了在所需规模​​上进行研发的需求。



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