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Yield, maturation, and forage quality of alfalfa in a black walnut alley-cropping practice


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There is interest in producing alfalfa as an alley crop because alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) is the most profitable hay crop in the USA. Field experiments were conducted near Stockton, MO in 2003 and 2004. Treatments consisted of alfalfa grown in open plots and in plots that were alley cropped between 20-year-old black walnut trees (Juglans nigra L.) planted in rows 24.4- and 12.2-m apart. Alfalfa was sampled for three harvest cycles each year. In the alley-cropping plots, samples were taken beneath the canopy (2.5 m from the tree row) and in the center of the alleys. Data were taken on dry-matter yield, maturity, and forage quality. At all harvest dates over both years, yields from beneath the canopy of both alleys and the narrow alley centers were less than yields from the wide alley centers and open plots. Yield from the wide alley centers was similar to that in open plots in every harvest but the final harvest of 2004. Transects across the plots indicated that yields increased linearly from the tree row to the center of both alleys. Alfalfa tended to mature faster in the open and wide alley centers compared to beneath the canopy of both alleys and the narrow alley centers. Forage quality differences were inconsistent across treatments. Alfalfa yield was significantly reduced and maturity was delayed by the narrow 12.2 m tree spacing, but yield was not reduced in the centers of the wider 24.4 m alleyways.
机译:由于苜蓿(苜蓿(Medicago sativa L.))是美国最赚钱的干草作物,因此人们有兴趣生产苜蓿作为胡同作物。在2003年和2004年在密苏里州斯托克顿附近进行了田间试验。处理方法包括在露天地块和在24.4-行和12.2行中种植的具有20年历史的黑胡桃树(Juglans nigra L.)之间种植的小巷中种植的苜蓿。 -m分开。苜蓿每年采样三个收获周期。在小巷种植区中,样品是在树冠下(距树行2.5 m)和小巷的中心取样的。采集干物质产量,成熟度和草料质量的数据。在这两年的所有收获日期,两个小巷和狭窄小巷中心的树冠下方的产量都比宽大的胡同中心和空地的产量少。宽阔的胡同中心的产量与2004年的最后一次收获的每个收获季的空地相似。各个田间的横断面表明,从树行到两个胡同的中心,产量线性增加。与开放小巷和狭窄小巷中心的树冠下方相比,苜蓿在开放和宽阔的小巷中心倾向于更快地成熟。不同处理之间的草料质量差异不一致。狭窄的12.2 m树间距大大降低了苜蓿的产量,并延迟了成熟期,但在24.4 m较宽的小路的中央,产量并未降低。



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