首页> 外文期刊>plastics information europe >European Commission publishes regulations on disposable plastic products / Collection rate for bottles set / Sharp criticism from PlasticsEurope and EuPC/ 'Plastic product bans are not the solution'

European Commission publishes regulations on disposable plastic products / Collection rate for bottles set / Sharp criticism from PlasticsEurope and EuPC/ 'Plastic product bans are not the solution'

机译:欧洲委员会出版了对瓶子套装/尖锐批评的一次性塑料制品/收集率的规定,而Eupc /'塑料制品禁止不是解决方案'

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The European Commission is putting rules in place for reducing single-use plastic items, and curbing marine litter. The proposal focuses on the top ten disposable plastic items found on European beaches and in seas, as well as abandoned or disposed fishing gear. Together, these products make up 70% of waste in Europe's marine environments. With a high proportion of ocean microplastics resulting from fragmentation of bigger pieces of plastic, the commission's proposal is also a step to reduce the presence of microplastics.
机译:欧盟委员会正在制定规则,以减少单用塑料物品,并遏制海洋垃圾。 该提案重点关注欧洲海滩和海洋上的十大一次性塑料产品,以及废弃或放弃的渔具。 这些产品在一起占欧洲海洋环境中的70%。 凭借大量的海洋微塑料,由碎片的碎片造成的碎片,委员会的提议也是减少微薄塑料的存在的步骤。



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