首页> 外文期刊>Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology: An International Journal for the Geo-Sciences >A multi-proxy analysis of hydroclimate trends in an ombrotrophic bog over the last millennium in the Eastern Carpathians of Romania

A multi-proxy analysis of hydroclimate trends in an ombrotrophic bog over the last millennium in the Eastern Carpathians of Romania


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We describe an ombrotrophic bog profile from Tinovul Mohos, Eastern Carpathians, Romania to quantitatively reconstruct the hydroclimate and the palaeoecological evolution over the past 1000 years. Findings are based on high-resolution analyses of testate amoebae, plant macrofossils, pollen, micro- and macrocharcoal, delta C-13 stable carbon isotopes, organic matter content and bulk density, supported by AMS radiocarbon dating. We identify five major hydroclimatic intervals. Between AD 1050 and 1300, a wet period occurred associated with a time of reduced human population. Between AD 1300 and 1600, wet conditions continued to prevail, but with tendency towards drier mire settings. The third period from AD 1600-1680 revealed two abrupt disturbances in the local hydrology (strong dry-wet shifts). The fourth period, from AD 1680-1950, showed intermediate moist conditions with an increased humidity. After AD 1950, mire conditions became dry and there was an intensification in disturbances activity (forest clearance, fire and peatland drainage). Our multi-proxy reconstruction represents one of the few studies of the hydroclimate and palaeoecological evolution of the last millennium in the central-eastern Europe. Findings show good agreement with other hydroclimate reconstructions from this region, but not with records from north-western Europe. More high-resolution multi-proxy studies are needed to improve our understanding of the feedback mechanisms in peatlands and the factors behind these changes.
机译:我们描述了罗马尼亚东喀尔巴阡山脉,东部喀尔巴阡山脉的令人幕府博文概况,以定量重建过去1000年的水池和古代演化。结果基于睾丸amoebae,植物大甲酰胺,花粉,微溴和宏凝块,δc-13稳定的碳同位素,有机物质含量和散装密度的高分辨率分析。我们确定五个主要的循环间隔。在AD 1050和1300之间,与人口减少的时间相关,发生潮湿的时期。在AD 1300和1600之间,潮湿的条件继续占上风,但倾向于干燥机泥潭设置。来自AD 1600-1680的第三期在局部水文中显示出两种突然的干扰(强干湿换档)。来自AD 1680-1950的第四个时期显示中间湿润条件,湿度增加。在1950年之后,泥潭条件变得干燥,干扰活动(森林清关,火灾和泥炭地排水)发生了强化。我们的多代理重建代表了中东欧洲最后一千年的少数几个少数少数千年的研究之一。调查结果表明,与来自该地区的其他水准体重建,但没有符合西北欧洲的记录。需要更多高分辨率的多功能研究来改善我们对泥炭地反馈机制的理解以及这些变化背后的因素。



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