首页> 外文期刊>Plant disease management reports PDMR >Field evaluation of maturity group IV early RoundUp Ready soybean cultivars to Cercospora leaf blight, frogeye leaf spot, Septoria brown spot, target spot and green stem at Stoneville, MS (silt loam soil, irrigated), 2016

Field evaluation of maturity group IV early RoundUp Ready soybean cultivars to Cercospora leaf blight, frogeye leaf spot, Septoria brown spot, target spot and green stem at Stoneville, MS (silt loam soil, irrigated), 2016


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A field evaluation of 22 maturity group IV early RoundUp Ready soybean cultivars to Cercospora leaf blight (CLB), frogeye leaf spot (FLS), Septoria brown spot (SBS), target spot (TS), and green stem (GS) was performed in Stoneville, MS. Soybean cultivars were planted in a Bosket and Commerce very fine sandy loam soil on 5 May. The previous crop was cotton. Plots consisted of four rows of soybean, spaced 30-in. apart, planted with 9 seed per foot of row and trimmed to a final length of 14.5 ft. The experimental design was a randomized complete block with three replications. Plots were furrow irrigated as needed. Field evaluations for the presence of foliar disease were conducted at approximately R6 using a 0 to 9 scale whereby 0=no disease and 9=excessive disease symptoms. Leaf surface area affected was evaluated for FLS while CLB was rated based on the presence of disease on leaves (0 to 5), petioles (6), and on pods and stems (7 to 9) based on disease intensity as assessed by coloration of plant material (leaves with distinct purple coloration and petioles, pods and main stems with purple to near black coloration). Septoria brown spot was rated in a similar fashion based on the presence of the disease within the plant canopy so that 0 to 3 indicated the presence in the lower canopy, 4 to 5 in the middle canopy, 6 to 8 in the upper canopy, and 9 indicative of extensive defoliation throughout the entire plant canopy and the disease in the upper most canopy. Target spot was rated in a similar fashion to the Septoria brown spot assessments with disease being rated on a whole plot basis based on the presence of the disease within segments of the plant canopy using a 0 to 9 scale. Green stem was rated as a percentage of the plants within the entire plot that contained green stems and leaf material that had not reached physiological maturity as indicated by mature pods. Plots were harvested on 20 Sep by harvesting the middle two rows of soybean. Yield data were adjusted to 13% moisture. Disease rating and yield data were analyzed using the SAS GLM procedure (Version 9.3, SAS Institute, Cary, NC). Means separation was conducted using Fisher's protected least significant difference at P=0.05.
机译:将22种成熟组IV早期综合大豆品种对CercoSpora叶片枯萎(CLB),Frogeye叶片点(FLS),Semporia棕点(SBS),靶点(TS)和绿色茎(GS)进行田间评估。罗斯维尔,女士。 5月5日,在一个Bosket和Commerce中种植了大豆品种。以前的作物是棉花。地块包括四排大豆,间隔30英寸。分开,种植9个籽,每脚9个种子,饰有14.5英尺的最终长度。实验设计是一种随机完整块,具有三种复制。根据需要灌溉情节是沟里。使用0至9个刻度在大约R 6下进行叶面疾病存在的田间评价,从而0 =没有疾病,9 =过量的疾病症状。根据疾病强度基于叶片(0至5),叶柄(0至5),叶柄(0至5),叶片强度,基于疾病强度的疾病(0至5),叶柄强度(0至5),叶柄(0至5)和茎(7至9)的存在,评估叶片表面积。植物材料(叶子与紫色着色和叶柄,豆荚和主要茎与紫色到黑色着色附近)。 Sememoria棕色斑点以类似的方式评定了植物冠层内的疾病的存在,使0至3表示在下层的下层,中间冠层4至5中的存在,在上层冠层6至8中, 9表明整个植物冠层的广泛脱渗和上层冠层中的疾病。对于疾病在整个块基础的疾病基础上,疾病的疾病基于植物冠层在植物冠层的区段存在的情况下,疾病的抗病症棕色现场评估是类似的时尚。绿色茎被评为整个植物内的植物百分比,其含有绿茎和叶片材料,该茎和叶片材料未达到生理成熟度,如成熟豆荚所示。通过收获中间两排大豆收获了20世纪SEP收获了地块。将产量数据调节至13%的水分。使用SAS GLM程序(版本9.3,SAS Institute,Cary,NC)分析疾病评级和产量数据。意味着在P = 0.05的P = 0.05下使用Fisher受受的受保护最小差异进行分离。



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