首页> 外文期刊>Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems >Economic and environmental impacts of production intensification in agriculture: comparing transgenic, conventional, and agroecological maize crops

Economic and environmental impacts of production intensification in agriculture: comparing transgenic, conventional, and agroecological maize crops


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Contemporary society is characterized by faith in the technological paradigm as a solution to economic, social, and environmental challenges. This has led to a lack of critical analysis toward the contradictions inherent to production systems. In the primary sector, this phenomenon is expressed by the creation of a productivist ideology in which "producing more is better." The negative aspects of the production techniques are hidden or classified as necessary evils to be solved with more technology. A case study compared three corn production systems on family farming: a) organic agroecological maize with open-pollinated variety (OAM), b) conventional hybrid maize (CHM), and c) transgenic hybrid maize (THM). The CHM and THM had greater production costs and productivity driven primarily by high dosages of fertilizer and the price of GM seeds. The high doses of nitrogenous fertilizer contaminate water and food with nitrates and nitrites. Economic viability of CHM and THM depends on large-scale production and public subsidies to purchase inputs and outsource risks through crop insurance. This article demonstrates that increasing agricultural productivity through the intensive use of inputs contrasts with the diminishing return on invested capital, and increases the environmental impacts without changing the economic performance of the activity.
机译:当代社会以对技术范式的信念为特征,以解决经济,社会和环境挑战。这导致缺乏对生产系统固有矛盾的批判分析。在初级部门中,这种现象是通过产生一种生产主义意识形态来表达的,在生产者意识形态中,“生产更多更好”。生产技术的负面方面被隐藏或归类为必须通过更多技术解决的弊端。案例研究比较了三种玉米在家庭农业上的生产系统:a)具有开放传粉品种(OAM)的有机农业生态玉米,b)传统杂交玉米(CHM),以及c)转基因杂交玉米(THM)。 CHM和THM的生产成本和生产率更高,这主要是由高剂量的肥料和转基因种子的价格驱动的。高剂量的氮肥会污染硝酸盐和亚硝酸盐的水和食物。 CHM和THM的经济可行性取决于大规模生产和公共补贴,以通过农作物保险购买投入品和外包风险。本文表明,通过大量使用投入来提高农业生产率与减少投资资本回报形成对比,并在不改变活动经济效益的情况下增加对环境的影响。



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