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Tree diversity in cacao agroforests in San Alejandro, Peruvian Amazon


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Cacao (Theobroma cacao) cultivation maintaining a high proportion of shade trees in a diverse composition (agroforestry) is currently being viewed as a sustainable land use practice. Our research hypothesis was that cacao agroforests (AF) can support relatively high tree diversity, as compared to surrounding primary and/or secondary forests. The objective of this study was to assess the impact of forest conversion on tree communities by comparing tree composition, community characteristics (richness and diversity) and spatial structure (density, canopy height, basal area) among primary forest, secondary forest, and cacao AF. In total, we collected data from 30 25 x 25 m plots on three land use systems (20 in cacao AF, five in secondary, and five in primary forests) in San Alejandro, Peruvian Amazon. All trees with DBH >= 10 cm were counted, identified to species, and their height and DBH were recorded. Our results support the hypothesis that cacao AF present a relatively high tree species richness and diversity, although they are no substitute for natural habitats. We identified most common species used for shading cacao. Tree species composition similarity was highest between cacao AF and secondary forest. Vegetation structure (density, height, DBH) was significantly lower compared to primary and secondary forest. Species richness and diversity were found to be highest in the primary forest, but cacao AF and secondary forests were fairly comparable. The tree species cultivated in cacao AF are very different from those found in primary forest, so we question whether the relatively high tree diversity and richness is able to support much of the diversity of original flora and fauna.
机译:目前,可可树(Theobroma cacao)种植在不同组成部分(农林业)中保持高比例的遮荫树被视为一种可持续的土地使用方式。我们的研究假设是,与周围的原始森林和/或次生森林相比,可可农林(AF)可以支持相对较高的树木多样性。这项研究的目的是通过比较原始森林,次生森林和可可林之间的树木组成,群落特征(丰富度和多样性)和空间结构(密度,冠层高度,基础面积)来评估森林转化对树木群落的影响。 。总共,我们从秘鲁亚马逊圣亚历杭德罗的三个土地利用系统(可可AF中的20个,次级森林中的五个,原始森林中的五个)的30个25 x 25 m地块上收集了数据。计数所有DBH> = 10 cm的树木,确定其种类,并记录其高度和DBH。我们的结果支持了可可AF代表相对较高的树种丰富度和多样性的假设,尽管它们不能替代自然栖息地。我们确定了用于可可遮阳的最常见物种。可可AF与次生林之间的树种组成相似度最高。与原始森林和次要森林相比,植被结构(密度,高度,DBH)明显较低。发现原始森林的物种丰富度和多样性最高,但可可AF和次生森林的可比性相当。可可AF中种植的树种与原始森林中发现的树种有很大不同,因此我们质疑相对较高的树种多样性和丰富性是否能够支持原始动植物的大部分多样性。



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