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Polarization observables in three-nucleon systems


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In the past two decades, several laboratories have produced a large amount of data for cross sections, analyzing powers, and other spin observables from various reactions in the three-nucleon system. The results allow one to arrive at a moderately good description of the data by only using the two-nucleon potentials in Faddeev-type calculations. The remaining discrepancies should, in principle, and aside from Coulomb and relativistic effects, be removed once the effects of three-nucleon forces are implemented. High precision data on elastic and break-up reactions show, however, that even after the inclusion of these effects, the picture is not complete yet and some ingredients are still missing in the calculations.
机译:在过去的二十年中,几个实验室已经产生了大量的横截面数据,分析功率和来自三核系统中的各种反应的旋转可观察结果。 结果允许一个人通过在Faddeev型计算中使用双核电站的两个核聚素电位来到数据的中等良好描述。 原则上,剩余的差异应原则上并除了实施三核力的效果,将移除来自库仑和相对论的效果。 然而,关于弹性和分解反应的高精度数据显示,即使在包含这些效果之后,图像尚未完整,并且在计算中仍缺少一些成分。



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