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Meerkats (Suricata suricatta) are able to detect hidden food using olfactory cues alone

机译:Meerkats(Suricata suricatta)能够单独使用嗅觉线索检测隐藏的食物

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Meerkats (Suricata suricatta) are known to strongly rely on chemical signals for social communication. However, little is known about their use of the sense of smell in foraging and food detection. The aim of the present study was therefore to assess whether captive meerkats are able to (1) detect hidden food using olfactory cues alone, (2) discriminate between the odor of real food and a single food odor component, and (3) build an association between the odor of real food and a novel odor. We employed the buried food test, widely used with rodents to assess basic olfactory abilities and designed to take advantage of the propensity of certain species to dig. We found that the meerkats were clearly able to find all four food types tested (mouse, thicken, mealworm, banana) using olfactory cues alone and that they successfully discriminated between the odor of real food (banana) and a food odor component (iso-pentyl acetate). In both tasks, the animals dug in the food-bearing corner of the test arena as the first one significantly more often than in the other three corners. No significant association-building between a food odor and a novel odor was found within the 60 trials performed per animal. We conclude that meerkats are able to use olfactory cues when foraging for hidden food. Further, we conclude that the buried food test, employed for the first time with a non-rodent species, is a useful means of assessing basic olfactory capabilities in meerkats.
机译:众所周知,Meerkats(Suricata Suricatta)强烈依赖化学信号进行社交沟通。然而,关于他们在觅食和食物检测中使用嗅觉的情况知之甚少。因此,本研究的目的是评估俘虏的Meerkats是否能够使用嗅觉线索检测隐藏食物,(2)区分真实食物的气味和单一食物气味成分,(3)构建真正食物气味与新臭气味之间的关系。我们雇用了埋藏的食品试验,广泛用于啮齿动物来评估基本的嗅觉能力,并旨在利用某些物种的倾向挖掘。我们发现Meerkats显然能够使用单独使用嗅觉线索测试(小鼠,增稠,捕食虫,香蕉)的所有四种食物类型,并在真实食物(香蕉)和食物气味成分之间成功地区分(ISO-乙酸戊酯)。在两个任务中,动物在测试竞技场的含食物角落中挖出,这是第一个比在其他三个角落中的速度更大。在每只动物进行的60项试验中发现了食物气味和新气味之间没有显着的协会建设。我们得出结论,Meerkats能够在为隐藏食物觅食时使用嗅觉线索。此外,我们得出结论,使用非啮齿动物物种首次使用的埋地食物试验是评估Meerkats基本嗅觉能力的有用手段。



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