首页> 外文期刊>Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment: An International Journal for Scientific Research on the Relationship of Agriculture and Food Production to the Biosphere >Shade tree diversity, carbon sequestration, and epiphyte presence in coffee agroecosystems: A decade of smallholder management in San Ramon, Nicaragua

Shade tree diversity, carbon sequestration, and epiphyte presence in coffee agroecosystems: A decade of smallholder management in San Ramon, Nicaragua


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Coffee smallholder management practices have received attention for their potential to conserve biodiversity and sequester carbon by maintaining structural complexity, high canopy diversity, and minimal external inputs. We conducted shade tree surveys on 95 1000 m(2) research plots over a 10-year period to identify patterns of shade tree density and diversity, epiphyte presence, and carbon stocks within smallholder shade coffee systems of northern Nicaragua. We also analyzed each of these parameters with respect to management by comparing collectively-and individually-managed farms. Our results indicate that the overall shade tree density has decreased over time (F = 42.597, p 0.001), but that diversity remained constant. Carbon stocks in coffee systems also showed a decreasing trend over time (F = 2.981, p = 0.056), most likely due to the decreasing tree densities. Epiphytic plant presence increased over time despite decreased host tree densities, suggesting either a change in management or improved habitat conditions for epiphytes. Research plots on individually-managed coffee farms generally had higher shade tree densities than those on collectively managed farms (t = 2.141, p = 0.037), but we found no differences in shade tree species richness or carbon stocks (t = 0.573, p = 0.568). We conclude that smallholder coffee farmers continue to conserve both shade tree diversity and epiphyte communities. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:咖啡小农管理实践因其通过保持结构复杂性,高冠层多样性和最少的外部投入而具有保护生物多样性和固碳的潜力而受到关注。我们在10年的时间里对95 1000 m(2)研究用地进行了遮荫树调查,以确定尼加拉瓜北部小农遮荫咖啡系统中遮荫树的密度和多样性,附生植物的存在以及碳储量的模式。我们还通过比较集体管理和个体管理的农场分析了与管理有关的每个参数。我们的结果表明,总体遮荫树密度已随时间降低(F = 42.597,p <0.001),但多样性保持不变。咖啡系统中的碳储量也随时间呈下降趋势(F = 2.981,p = 0.056),最有可能是由于树木密度的下降。尽管寄主树密度降低,附生植物的存在仍随时间而增加,这表明附生植物的管理发生了变化或生境条件得到了改善。个体经营的咖啡农场的研究用地通常比集体经营的咖啡农场的用地密度更高(t = 2.141,p = 0.037),但我们发现遮荫树种的丰富度或碳库没有差异(t = 0.573,p = 0.568)。我们得出的结论是,小农咖啡农户继续保护树荫下的多样性和附生植物群落。 (C)2014 Elsevier B.V.保留所有权利。



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