首页> 外文期刊>Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment: An International Journal for Scientific Research on the Relationship of Agriculture and Food Production to the Biosphere >Maximizing retention of native biodiversity in Australian agricultural landscapes-the 10:20:40:30 guidelines. (Special Issue: Landscape ecology and biodiversity in agricultural landscapes.)

Maximizing retention of native biodiversity in Australian agricultural landscapes-the 10:20:40:30 guidelines. (Special Issue: Landscape ecology and biodiversity in agricultural landscapes.)

机译:最大限度地保留澳大利亚农业景观中的本地生物多样性-10:20:40:30准则。 (特刊:农业景观中的景观生态学和生物多样性。)

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The negative impacts of agriculture on biodiversity increase as production intensifies. In Australia some 465 million hectares support agricultural production, with intensity varying according to the productive potential of the land, and over time, with changes in technology, markets and societal goals. In the context of ongoing change in Australian landscapes, we develop broad guidelines for balancing land use intensity with retention of native biodiversity. We categorize agricultural land uses into four broad levels of intensity based on anthropogenic disturbance and inputs, and consider the resources each offers towards persistence of different types of organisms. We conclude that persistence of Australian native species under increasing agricultural intensity is determined more by habitat specialization and mobility than by taxonomic grouping. Generalizing from land use principles previously proposed for grassy eucalypt woodlands, we suggest that retention of native biodiversity can be maximized in production landscapes that have: (i) a minimum 10% core natural vegetation that is managed for biodiversity conservation; (ii) a minimum additional 20% natural vegetation that is managed under low intensity production systems; (iii) a maximum of 30% allocated to intensive production systems; and (iv) the balance between natural vegetation (min 30%) and intensive production (max 30%) allocated to moderate intensity production systems. While production landscapes in the pastoral and high rainfall zones of Australia could potentially meet most of these guidelines, very few in the wheat-sheep zone do. Modifying farms in the wheat-sheep zone to meet the guidelines is technically feasible, but not economically attractive at present. However policy and markets that support bio-sequestration of carbon could bring about land use change that, if appropriately targeted, could significantly improve retention of native biodiversity in Australian agricultural landscapes.
机译:随着生产的增加,农业对生物多样性的负面影响增加。在澳大利亚,约有4.65亿公顷的土地用于农业生产,其强度根据土地的生产潜力而变化,并且随着时间的流逝,技术,市场和社会目标的变化也会随之变化。在澳大利亚景观不断变化的背景下,我们制定了广泛的准则,以平衡土地使用强度与保留本地生物多样性。根据人为干扰和投入,我们将农业土地利用分为四个大的强度级别,并考虑每种资源为不同类型生物的持久性提供的资源。我们得出结论,在农业强度日益提高的情况下,澳大利亚本土物种的持久性更多地取决于栖息地的专业化和流动性,而不是生物分类。从先前针对草木桉树林地提出的土地利用原则进行概括,我们建议可以在具有以下条件的生产景观中最大程度地保留本地生物多样性:(i)至少有10%的核心自然植被可以进行生物多样性保护; (ii)在低强度生产系统下至少要管理20%的天然植被; (iii)最多30%分配给集约化生产系统; (iv)分配给中等强度生产系统的自然植被(最少30%)和集约生产(最多30%)之间的平衡。尽管澳大利亚的牧区和高雨量地区的生产景观可能符合这些准则中的大多数,但小麦-绵羊区中很少。修改麦羊区的农场以符合指导原则在技术上是可行的,但目前在经济上没有吸引力。但是,支持碳固存生物的政策和市场可以带来土地用途的变化,如果适当地确定目标,则可以大大改善澳大利亚农业景观中本地生物多样性的保留。



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